Chapter 21

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   It is now the beginning of February. Things have been going decently both inside and outside the club. Today has been decent too. I walked to school with Sayori, caught up with some of my other friends and ate lunch with Yuri. It is now time for the club to start. I arrive at the entrance of the club room with Yuri and Sayori. I try to open the door.

John: "Huh, it's locked."

Yuri: "D-Did Monika forget about the club today..?"

Sayori seems to have noticed something.

Sayori: "Monika left a note."

I walk behind Sayori to read it for myself. It says, To my club members, meet me at 124 Bridgeport Avenue after you read this. See you there~! With love, Monika.

John: "I wonder what she has planned."

Yuri: "I'm not familiar with that address..."

"I-I'll put it in on my phone so we can find it..."

Sayori: "Okay~!"

"Let's gooo!"

Natsuki appears behind us.

Natsuki: "Go where?"

Sayori: "Just follow us."

"The club is somewhere else today."

Natsuki: "Alright."

"I'm in game for that."

We all follow Yuri outside the school and into town. We end up going across town.

John: "I'm not too familiar with this area."

Yuri: "Hmmm..."

"I think we are almost there."

Natsuki: "I'm familiar with this side of town."

"I live over here."

John: "I didn't know that."

"Do you know where we are going?"

Natsuki shrugs.

Natsuki: "I'll probably know once we are there."

Soon enough, we finally arrive.

Yuri: "This is it."

Natsuki: "Oh, I do know this place!"

"Baker's Bar and Grill!"

"I used to come here often."

Sayori: "Monika is trying to take us out?"

John: "I guess so."

Sayori: "We will have to thank her for this!"

John: "Haha, yeah."

We all enter. Monika stands up from her round table and waves to us.

Monika: "Guys!"

"Over here!"

The 4 of us walk over and take seats. I end up sitting in between Sayori and Yuri, across from Monika and at a diagonal from Natsuki. Monika sits back down and smiles.

Monika: "I'm glad you all could make it!"

"I wanted to thank all of you for being great members to this club!"

"We have had a good year so far."

"Let's keep it up!"

"The bill is on me today!"

Sayori: "We wouldn't be so great without our president~!"

Yuri: "True."

Natsuki: "Agreed."

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