Chapter 7

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Monika: "Hi John!"

"How was your day?"

I seem to be one of the first people in the club room. Monika looks like she just got here as well.

John: "My day was good."

"No piano practice today?"

Monika laughs.

Monika: "Ahahah!"

"I kept track of the time today."

John: "Haha good."

"Did you enjoy the rest of the festival?"

Monika nods.

Monika: "We also may have two new members!"

"They will start next week if they confirm they will attend!"

John: "That's great!"

"You are a great president."

Monika: "Awww~"

"Thanks, but the truth is..."

"I couldn't have done it without you and the others!"

John: "We were all happy to help!"

Sayori: "Hi John~!"

"Hi Monika~!"

Sayori must have entered the club room during our conversation. Monika and I greet her.

M&J: "Hello!"

John: "How was your day?"

Sayori: "Same old same old~!"


I laugh.

Natsuki enters the room, with a note?

Natsuki: "Sorry for being late."

Monika: "You're fine Natsuki."


"That's good I guess..."

Natsuki hids the note in her pocket. Yuri walks in and appears to be out of breath.

Yuri: "Uhuhuh..."

"S-Sorry for being late."

Monika: "It's okay Yuri."


"Why are you out of breath?!"

"Were you rushing here?"

Yuri: "Mhm..."

Monika: "Next time, you don't have to be in such a panic if you are a little late."

Yuri nodded.

Monika: "Anyways..."

"Can I have everyone's attention?"

Everyone, including me, looks at Monika to listen to what she has to say.

Monika: "I just want to sincerely thank you to all of you!"

"Yesterday would have been impossible without everyone's help and efforts."

"And because of your help..."

"We just might have acquired two new members!"

"If they confirm, they will start next week!"

Everyone was in amazement, save from me because I already knew.

Sayori: "Wow~!"

"That's awesome!"

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