Chapter 28

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  Roughly a month has passed. It is now the Sunday before the spring festival. Tomorrow is the spring festival. So far, the idea of having a fundraiser has been organized well. Monika and Sayori are working on flyers and Yuri is working on the atmosphere again and typing up poems to have with the cupcakes. Natsuki asked for my help with the baking at her house. I've been getting increasingly anxious about visiting Natsuki's house. I keep telling myself there's no reason to be nervous, but it doesn't help much. I wonder if she'll act any different when she's at home? Meanwhile, she's been texting me a lot. We sent each other texts after exchanging numbers to double-check and then she sent me one to offer me help with Yuri, but this time, it turned into conversation. She's almost a different personality on the phone, using tons of emoji and cute language. She also really likes complaining about things, but I kind of saw both of those coming. I am currently almost at her house, I am looking at my phone for directions to the address she gave me. "Before I know it, I'm in front of her house and I text her to let her know I'm outside the front door. Without delay, she opens the front door to let me in.

John: "..."

Natsuki: "'Sup?"

John: "...Hey."

Never seen her wear this dress's really cute.

Natsuki: "Jeez, don't make it feel so awkward already!"

Natsuki: "Anyway, come in."

I enter and we walk to the kitchen.

John: "I see you bought a lot of stuff..."

Natsuki has a large bag on the counter that is probably full of baking supplies.

Natsuki: "Well, I wanted to make sure my kitchen is equipped for the job."

"You bought everything I asked you to, right?"

John: "Yeah, I did."

Yesterday, Natsuki asked me to buy a bunch of ingredients if I didn't already have them at home.

Natsuki: "Good!"

"Glad I could count on you to do your part."

John: "Well...of course."

Natsuki: "That makes me happy."

I'm surprised to hear Natsuki suddenly say that, rather than something snarky like she usually does. She says stuff like that, but not too often. Natsuki realized what she said and gets flustered.

Natsuki: "...Jeez, never mind!"

"What are you making me say?"

"Don't think you can make me talk about weird things!"

"Are we getting started, or what? There's a lot of stuff I gotta teach you."

John: "Ahaha."

Natsuki: "What??"

John: "That's a little bit more like you."

"You're more fun when you just speak your mind like that."

Natsuki: "H-Hey!"

"Now you are treating me like a kid!"

"I was just trying to be a little nicer to you, you know."

"And just because I don't have a mature and sexy figure like Yuri doesn't mean you should treat me like--"


Natsuki catches her words, and her face turns red.

John: "Natsuki..."

Natsuki: "Forget it!"

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