Chapter 31

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It is now the middle of June. The school year is almost over, just one more week. This year flew by, but at the same time, there is a lot that has happened. I met new people, discovered a hobby for reading, and recently, found out who I really want to be with. I have been extremely nervous talking to Sayori lately. I can't stop thinking about wanting to tell her how I really feel...but I'm nervous she won't return those feelings. It could also make our friendship awkward if she turns me down. I am currently standing in front of her house. I sigh.

John: "She has to be out soon."

"We might be late..."

Sayori emerges from her house, clearly in a rush.

Sayori: "Good morning John~!"

"I'm sorry for holding you up!"

"I'm ready to go!"

John: "G-Good..."

"Let's go then."

Sayori and I make our way to the school. For most of the walk, it is awkward silence. Soon enough, we make our way to the school and it's time to split up for our classes.

Sayori: "Well..."

"This is where we split up."

John: "Y-Yeah..."

Sayori: "I'll see you later~!"

Sayori smiles at me and happily skips to her class. I got to stop being awkward around her. I walk to my own first period class, sit down and let my stressful day begin.

Eventually, it is time for lunch. I quickly buy 2 cups of tea and go out to the courtyard to meet Yuri.

John: "Hey Yuri!"

Yuri: "H-Hello John..."

"I just got here myself..."

Yuri and I sit under the tree. I give her a cup of tea.

Yuri: "Y-You're really thoughtful..."

"Thank you."

John: "Of course."

Yuri and I both take sips of our tea.

John: "I can't believe the club and school only have a week left."

Yuri: "Mmm..."

"B-But at least for me..."

"I-It's been a good year..."

John: "I would say so too."

Yuri: "I-I plan on going back next year..."

John: "Same here."


Yuri: "But w-what...?"

John: "This doesn't mean we can't hangout over the summer."

Yuri: "E-Eh...?"

John: "Yeah."

"We can go to a beach, or a pool, or just read in the park."

Yuri: "Y-Yeah..."

"I-I like those ideas..."

"I'll hold you to that then."

John: "Of course!"

Yuri and I pull out our lunches and eat and chat for the rest of the lunch period. Once we hear the bell, we stand up.

Yuri: "I-I'll see you later I guess..."

John: "See you at the club."

Yuri and I part ways and report to our next classes. The day from then flies and it is now time for the literature club to begin. All of us enter at roughly the same time, except Monika who was there earlier. She greets us all.

Monika: "Hello everyone!"

"How are we doing?"

Yuri: "I-I'm doing alright..."

Natsuki: "Fine I guess."

John: "I'm good."

Sayori: "Great!"

Monika: "Good to hear!"

I see a stack of books on a desk behind Monika.

John: "What are the books behind you for?"

Monika: "I'm glad you asked!"

"Despite the success of our club this year, we didn't really do anything together in the club with all of us."

"So I decided we are going to collectively read a book together!"

Sayori: "That's a great idea, Monika!"

Yuri: "I'm in on it too..."

John: "Let's do it."

Natsuki: "Sure."

"What's the name of the book anyway?"

Monika: "To average out everyone's interests..."

"I decided we should read Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson."

"I think you will all like it."

John: "What's it about?"

Monika: "I think it would be best to go in blind~"

Monika winks at me.

Monika: "I moved some desks in a circle already."

"I would like to get started as soon as possible."

Monika hands us all books. The cover of the book has the title and two twisted roses together. I wonder what this is about. I sit at a desk next to Natsuki and Sayori.

Monika: "Alright..."

"So I figured we can take turns reading it aloud so everyone is reading at the same pace."

"Let's begin then, shall we?"

We begin to read. Monika starts off reading, then Sayori, then Yuri, then myself and last Natsuki. We traded off reading after every 2 chapters. An hour passes by and we are a little over halfway done with the book.

Monika: "Okay everyone!"

"We can pause here for today."

"We will pick this up again tomorrow."

"How does everyone like the book so far?"

Yuri: "H-Honestly..."

"Even though I don't usually read this kind of literature..."

"I do enjoy it."

Natsuki: "Same here."

Sayori: "I like the book!"

John: "I do too."

Monika: "Glad to hear!"

"One more thing."

"Let's share poems one more time for tomorrow!"

"So write your best!"

"You guys are dismissed."

"Have a good one!"

I say goodbye to everyone and begin my walk home with Sayori. Most of the walk home, I am awkwardly quiet. Once we reach Sayori's house, I silently walk her up to her property and wave goodbye to her. I walk to my house and enter.

John: "Ugh..."

"Why am I such a coward?!"

I enter my room and look at a blank piece of paper on my desk.

John: "That's it."

"I need to write a poem to impress Sayori."

"Let's get to work!"

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