Chapter 16

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The next day, December 23, I wake up to a text from Yuri that she has sent the night before. The text reads; "The festival starts around 4ish. You can pick me up around 3:30ish." I actually am pretty excited about today. I simply respond to Yuri with an "Ok." and decide to start my morning with some breakfast and video games. I quickly cook myself some eggs, eat them and walk up back to my room to play video games...

The time is now 2:50. I turn off my game.

John: "I should probably start to get ready."

I hop into the shower, then brush my teeth and get changed into jeans and a decent sweatshirt. I try to look somewhat presentable for Yuri. I have about 15 minutes to pick up Yuri at her house. I walk out the door and begin my walk to Yuri's house. Most of the walk, I am looking around, admiring the atmosphere. It is just beginning to snow a little. I hope we have a white Christmas this year. I arrive at Yuri's house a minute before our agreed upon time. I knock on the door. No later than a few seconds, the door opens. Yuri appears before me in the same clothes from when we were working on the decorations for the festival. She is wearing her beige turtleneck sweater with her black leggings.

Yuri: "U-Umm..."

"Hello John..."

John: "Hi Yuri."

"Are you ready to go?"

Yuri: "Uhh, yes I am.."

Yuri turns her head around.

Yuri: "I'll be back later!"

I hear a mature woman's voice.

???: "Ok! Be safe!"

I assume that's her mother. Yuri closes the door behind her and we begin our walk to the winter festival.

Yuri: "That was my mother."

"She isn't home too much..."

"But I always get happy when she is home."

John: "Well that's good."

"I'm kind of in the same boat."

"With respect to family not being home often."

Yuri: "A-Ah-"

"I see."

"Do you ever get used to it?"

John: "I have."

Yuri: "O-Oh..."


"I'm s-still trying to..."

John: "You will."

"And if you don't..."

"You will be in college in a couple of years."

"So you won't be alone."

Yuri looks slightly frightened.

Yuri: "Y-Yeahh..."

"I guess."

Her face goes back to normal.

Soon enough we arrive at the winter festival. There are bands playing, tents everywhere for food, drinks and merchandise and a ferris wheel.

John: "Wow..."

"This is awesome."

"I'm shocked I never went to this."

Yuri: "My father used to take me here all the time..."

"I-I enjoy seeing how things change from year to year..."

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