one hundred one; new directions

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While Holly Holiday and April Rhodes were desperately trying to keep the glee club alive, Winona was trying to make a video for Mr. Schue as a final farewell to the glee club. It seemed fitting to end on a heartwarming video and a big performance of Don't Stop Believing. While trying to film Tina's part, she was talking Winona's ear off about some dream she had where they all lived in a sitcom in New York.

8 hours into filming and editing the video for Schuester, Winona had decided it was the hardest thing in the world. It was tedious, to say the least.

It wasn't long until she was passed out, head rested uncomfortably on her keyboard. She couldn't get much sleep, for one Santana Lopez was shaking her awake before even an hour of rest had set in.

"I'm awake!" Winona groaned into her keyboard, pouting.

"Get up, I have exciting news!"

"If it isn't about you helping me teach the kids the Don't Stop Believing dance, I'm not interested."

"I hate you," Santana scoffed lightheartedly, sitting cross legged on her bed, "But you'll wanna hear this."

Sittimg up in her chair, Winona running her hand through her hair and looking to the clock on her bedside table.

"2am, really?" She criticized, rubbing her eyes, "what was so important thank you needed to wake me, 'Tana?"

"Rachel and I made up!" She suddenly said giddily. Winona's tiredness faded without fail, eyes widening.

"What? That's amazing!"

"That's not even the best part— Brittany and I are back together!"

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

"Shut up!" Eric called from the room next door, cursing under his breath, "Some of us are trying to sleep!"

Giggling like schoolgirls, Santana and Winona tried not to cry laughing, the mood happy for once.

The blonde felt a the crashing wave of relief that washed over her, before calming. No more drama, just her and her friends together— being the happiest they could be.

Things were ending here, but just beginning in New York.

( — )

Lydia stood at her locker, sadly staring at the decorations that littered the small space. Pink stickers, photos of her friends everywhere, probably some glitter— It was her comfort space, but now she stood alone with a pout as she took it all down. She didn't expect graduation to be so grim, but at least she had a solid plan for herself; NYADA. They'd already accepted her, and rich parents were more than willing to pay every expense that there could possibly be. Her life was finally working out.

The last photo left in her locker to remove was snapped at her NYADA audition. She wore a flowy dress that stopped at her knees and she was belting out a high note. In the background, she could make out Eric, Sugar, and Marley watching her in awe of her raw talent. She took the photo off of the locker wall, and turned it over, where it was scribbled on in black sharpie.

NYADA AUDITION!!! 15/8/2013!!

"No way, NYADA?" A voice sounded from behind her: Rachel's.

"Yeah! I— I got in," She chirped, smiling at her ex with the kindest eyes. Oh, how Rachel missed those kind eyes.

"So you're coming to New York?" She asked rhetorically, they both knew the answer, "That's perfect, because, I really needed to ask you something."

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