seventy-five; swan song

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— just finished writing the s4 finale. it is over 5000 words long ❤️

"Oh my god—" Muttered Winona before she rushed on stage. She lifted Marley up and carried her to the choir room, everyone in the auditorium staring at the poor girl in horror. The New Directions and it's alumni followed as Winona set her down in the choir room, and walked her to a chair. As the girl rubbed her eyes groggily, she looked around at everyone and their terrified expressions.

"Give her some room," Ordered Winona, Unique nodding.

"She needs space! Breathe, girl, breathe!" She exclaimed in concern.

"Does anyone have anything she can eat?"

"I have some leftover Halloween candy in my locker," Tina said before she rushed off.

"I may have a juice box," Added Blaine, Joe running off as well.

"I'll go get Marley's mom."

"This is bad," Artie announced, "Never in the history of show choir competitions has anyone ever fainted."

Blaine threw Sam a juice box, which he promptly held out to Marley, "We got the juice. We got the juice."

"No, I'm okay," Marley insisted.

Kitty bit her nails, staring at the girl, "Drink the damn juice!"

"Marley? Marley, are you okay? What happened?" Finn asked, pushing past the mini crowd

"She hasn't been eating. She's been skipping lunch," Explained Jake, making Santana narrow her eyes and turn to Kitty.

"Is that because you've been telling her to? You trying to turn her into a damn rexy?"

"What? No," Sputtered Kitty, "Why would I— why would I want that?"

"Cause you're a crazy, evil bitch," Santana hissed, crossing her arms.

Mr. Schue then joined the crowd of people, "Hey, Marley, you all right?

"The nurse is on the way, Mr. Schue," Winona told him.

"Santana, Winona, Puck, you stay here with Marley," He ordered, "The rest of you guys, get back up there. Leaving the stage mid-competition, for any reason, is risking immediate disqualification."

"What?" Finn chimed in, "That— that's a rule?"

"Yeah, it's a rule," Sue sounded from the doorway, "One of the bylaws, actually. As all of you all were spiralling into a self-created K-hole of crazy, the judges, by unanimous vote, have declared the Warblers victorious."

Everyone sighed in defeat, but Sue continued, "Hey, congratulations, Finn Hudson and Winona Whatever-your-last-name-is,"

"Watts," She mumbled bitterly.

"For the first time in its charmed, yet pitiful existence, the New Directions has lost Sectionals."

Marley hid her face in her hands as Winona and Finn shared a defeated look.

"But here's the good news, Christmas came early for one Sue Sylvester."

As she left the room, everyone's spirits were at an all time low.

That was the end of the New Directions for the year.

Sulking, everyone left the room. Mr. Schue stayed behind with Winona, Artie, Sam, and Finn, looking after Marley until her mom showed up.

In an attempt to lighten the mood, Mr. Schue turned to his replacement teachers.

"So .  .  . you guys, huh?" He gestured at the two, wiggling his brows. Finn sent him a confused look, hand resting on his hip.

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