ninety-one; the quarterback

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Three weeks to the day since the biggest loss Winona and her friends ever experienced. The loss of a quarterback. Everyone who ever had the pleasure of knowing Finn Hudson knew that they lost a part of themselves when he died. All they could do now was spend the rest of their lives missing him.

Winona hadn't left her room much since she got the news over the phone from Mark. She couldn't stop replaying the scenario in her head. When she picked up the phone. When she dropped her mug and it shattered all over the floor as her dad spoke. His words played back on an endless loop.

"Winona, it's Finn. I'm so sorry."

When she would go to bed, it was almost like she would forget— but waking up, and receiving several messages from family and friends offering their condolences reminded her every day.

She couldn't bear to look at photos of him. It was too much for her to handle. Even thinking of his little half smirk shattered her heart over and over again.

Elliott was reluctant to leave Winona alone when he had to go to work, so Rachel was on standby at all times.

The brunette approached Winona's door, knocking on it softly.

"Hey, Winona?" Her voice was gentle. She was trying to stay strong for her friend, "I'm going back to Lima tonight. They're honouring Finn at McKinley— Do you want to come?"

"I guess I should," The girl spoke, for the first time in a few days, "Uh, I'll be out in a minute. Then I'll shower and we can go."

After grabbing some clothes to change into, she packed herself a small suitcase and finally opened the door. Rachel frowned at the sight. Winonas hair was knotted and greasy, she had bags under her eyes and red eyes from the sleepless nights she spent crying over her lost love.

Rachel pulled her into a hug, expecting the blonde to cry on her shoulder for a bit, but she felt like she was out of sobs and out of tears. Pulling away, she headed to the bathroom to clean herself up so they could head to Lima.

Rachel was with Winona every step of the way, until dropping her off at her old home. As Rachel's car disappeared down the road, she dragged herself up the driveway and to the door. Three weak knocks and the door flung open. Winona practically collapsed into Marks arms, and Eric came down the stairs— teary eyed, to join their sad hug.

( — )

Winona was reluctant to return to McKinley once again, walking through the halls slowly. She didn't wanna be here anymore, everything was a reminder of him— and what she lost.

Still, she had to be there. For Schue, for her friends, for Finn.

"There's still time to turn around," She whispered to herself, slowly walking down the hall to where the choir room was. She knew everyone was already there, she didn't know if she could do it. Face them, "Yeah. I can turn around and run. I can pretend this isn't happening."

She couldn't.

She couldn't do that to Finn. Nor to her friends. They were grieving, just like her. She needed to be strong for them.

And so Winona forced herself to walk through the doorway of the choir room, taking in a shaky breath as all eyes landed on her. She took her spot next to Santana, the girl immediately resting her hand on Winona's back to comfort her. No one addressed Winona showing up, instead letting Mr. Schue speak.

"I'm really glad so many of you could make it back for this," Was all he could say, forcing himself to take deep breaths and pull himself together.

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