ninety-two; a katy or a gaga

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Back in New York, Santana, Rachel, and Winona were hard at work at the diner. 

Kurt bursted through the door at least an hour late to his shift. He took a seat next to Winona on the red circular stools, startling the trio.

" Where have you been?" Queried Santana, "You said you were only gonna be five minutes late."

"Yeah, I had to pick up your shift. You owe me," Scoffed Winona as the boy flashed an innocent smile.

"I was at Cooper Square. I was putting an ad in The Village Voice for my new band."

"Your new what?" Winona cocked a brow. Kurt began to explain his lack of money. The only important part of his ramble was where he begged the girls for a favour.

"and I was hoping the four of you could spare me the agony of open auditions by signing up."

"I don't know, Kurt. I have a lot on my plate right now, and—"

"Winona, Finn wouldn't want you sitting on the sidelines while life passes you by," The boy advised, Winona tensing before shaking her head briefly

"No— I know that, but with Lucky starting production, I need to focus on it."

Rachel then cut in to voice her reluctant thoughts as well, "I think that joining a band right now would just be a little too much, but,, thanks."

Dani shrugged, counting napkins, "Well, you've got me." She turned to Santana, "What about you, babe?"

Her soft spot for the girl was obvious, but Santana regained her composure to talk to Kurt, "Okay, I guess. But, listen, if we're going to be a part of this band, we don't just get to help with the set list. We also get a say on who joins, right?"

He shrugged, "Sure. As long as you don't go
all crazy Nicki Minaj on me, I'll see you at auditions."

Elliott and Winona sat on their couch, drinking tea and discussing the production of her movie.

"So," He began, "I remember you told me the movie's called Lucky, but what's it about?"

"Basically, this girl, played by Carrie Adler—"

The boy stopped Winona, "The Carrie Adler? She's been on broadway twice and she's only 15!"

"Yeah! I met her at the table read yesterday. She's really sweet."

"That's so cool!" He exclaimed excitedly, "Okay. Go on. Whats the plot?"

"So she's a kid in high school— a real awkward kid. But, shes lucky. It's almost like a superpower."

"And where do you come in?"

"I play the very unlucky neighbour. We meet, realize we're both special and try to find a way to make us normal."

"Oh, cool!"

She shrugged confidently, beyond excited for her big break.

"So...." She began, "I have a proposal for you."

Humming curiously, Elliot nodded, "Go on?"

"You remember when you said you wanted to be a singer?"

He perked up a little, Winona smiling.

"My friends are starting a band. Since I don't have time to join, I think you should."

"Oh my god, are you kidding? Of course!"

They celebrated, Elliot stimming happily. He set down his drink and took a second to come back down to earth.

"Okay, yes, of course I'll do it, on one condition;  no nepotism. They don't need to know that I know you."


And so she gave him all the information for the audition, and even helped him choose his song. Marry the Night— an absolute classic.

Elliott came home from the audition pouty, warranting concern from his blonde friend.

"Hey, Eli, everything okay?" She queried, leaning over to pause the movie she was watching.

"I didn't get the gig."

"What?" Winona gaped, narrowing her eyes.

The boy shrugged, "Your buddy, Kurt, said my outfit was a little Project Runway, Season 6."

"Season six?"

"Mhm," He groaned, "And he said my aesthetic is
'striking', but it's a little outré for the team that he's assembling."

"No way," Winona scoffed, "Should I..? Go talk to him?"

"No, I'm willing to tone down my look. He said he might reconsider if I do."

With a sigh of dismissal,  Elliott excused himself to his room, only for him to be followed by Winona.

He sat up on his bed, cocking a brow.

"Winona, will you help me... tone down my look?"

His voice was innocent and hurt, Winona patting his leg as she sat down on the edge of his bed, "I, personally think you should tone it up. Y'know? Stick it to the man."

"But I really need this gig," He retorted sheepishly. Winona biting her lip in thought, before offering him a nod.

"Fine. Yeah, I'll help."

And so she did, and the next day Elliott was... considerably more bland. Casual shirt, lack of makeup, even the glasses he almost never wore.

Taking him into work, Winona had Elliott sit down and convinced Kurt to serve him. She sat on a barstool, relatively far away as she eavesdropped.

"Hello, Welcome to the Spotlight," He uttered flatly, staring down at his notepad, "I'm Kurt, I'll be your Chorus Boy waiter today. Could I start you off with one of our signature Orange Freezes?"

"First, uh, can I ask you something?"

Kurt looked down at him as Elliott took off his glasses.

"Is this toned down enough?"

"Oh, my God— Starchild!" Beamed Kurt.

"It's Elliot Gilbert, actually— Do you have a minute to talk?"

"Yeah," He agreed, before turning his head to call out to his coworkers that he was taking a break, "I-I'm taking an intermission!"

Winona grinned, as Santana walked by after passing an order that someone sent back to the kitchen. She paused in front of the blonde, cocking a brow.

"What are you staring at?"

Santana trailed her gaze over to what Winona was looking at.

"Is Kurt cheating?" She scoffed, "He's engaged!"

Slightly amused, Winona bit back a laugh, following the other girl as she approached the duo.

"—So I can audition again?" Queried Elliott, Kurt shaking his head.

"No. You're in. As Elliot Gilbert, as Starchild, or someone in between," He exhaled, "Whoever you want to be."

"Intermission's over," Called Santana sassily, "And you have a fiancé, so stop flirting."

Winona then showed up, offering her friends a smile, "Uh, Santana, this is Elliot Gilbert— aka Starchild, aka my roommate, aka the newest member of Kurt's band."

"Oh, well, hot damn!"

"Speaking of our band," Kurt began, "Winona. Since even your roommate is getting in on this band, you have to join!"

Her lip twitched uncertainly, "Guys, I don't know—"

"Please?" Elliott begged, "Y'know that right now, your co-star is writing her own blog? If she can do that, you can do this."

They stared at her expectantly, Winona debating it in her head.

"Well.... I guess I could—"

"Yes!" Celebrated the trio, pulling her into a hug.

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