thirteen; sectionals

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"Can I trust you?" Mercedes asked Winona as she picked blue slushee out of her shoulder length locks. Winona nodded, raising a suspicious brow.

"Of course! Why?"

"I need to get this out, but you have to promise not to tell a soul. I mean it. This could ruin glee club if it gets out."

That made Winona nervous. She was terrible at keeping secrets. There were numerous times she almost blurted out the couple instances where Finn and Rachel kissed during glee club out of instinct. Still, she insisted to Mercedes that she wouldn't tell a soul.

"Y'know the whole Quinn pregnancy sitch? Puck's the father," Mercedes said, finishing up her work of cleaning the drink off of Winona.

Winona gasped. Turning to face her with wide eyes.

"You're kidding. She cheated? Oh my god— Finn's gonna freak."

"Not if he doesn't find out," Mercedes assured. Winona wished she could think like that sometimes, but her brain was nonstop worry more often than not.

"What about when they baby's born and it comes out with a mohawk?"

Mercedes didn't answer, shrugging instead. They headed out of the bathroom and to the glee club together, smiling nervously at her peers.

"Hey, guys. Did any of you think it was weird the way that Puck rushed to Quinn's aid during rehearsal yesterday?"

The colour drained from everyone who knew's faces. Luckily, Quinn, Finn, and Puck weren't there.


"What's weird about that?" Winona asked, narrowing her eyes at Rachel.

"I mean, he likes her. I mean, they're friends. We all know that," Artie claimed, before leaning over to whisper to Winona. asking her if she knew about the baby drama. Winona nodded quickly before turning to Rachel once more.

"Yeah, but it seemed like more than that. I've never told you guys this before, but I'm a little psychic," Rachel started, "I can't read minds or anything yet, but I do have a sixth sense. Something is definitely going on there."

Everyone got a little nervous, Winona tried to deflect it by being mean. Meaner than usual.

"Nothing is 'definitely going on there'," She started, almost feeling bad for being harsh, "We get it, you're so obsessed with Finn that you've created this reality in your brain where Quinn and Puck are together and you get him for yourself, it's creepy and you should stop it."

"We got to go," Mercedes cut in before Rachel could gasp and poorly defend herself. Quickly, everyone started to leave.

"We have to practice."

"Oh, and we will, as soon as Mr. Schuester names a faculty advisor to replace him," Kurt shrugged. Everyone disappeared fast, leaving Winona behind.

Minutes later, while Winona was emptying trash and scrap papers out of her locker, her phone started ringing. She joined the party line reluctantly and heard everyone chattering.

"Dudes, this is serious. If she finds out, she's going to tell Finn. She's a total trout mouth."

"I say we lock Rachel up until after sectionals. I volunteer my basement."

"We can't. We need her to sing."

Winona was too overwhelmed to speak for a moment.

"This is crazy," She mumbled, hearing a chorus of 'mhm's from the group call.

"We just heard. Who told?" Santana joined in.

"We assumed it was you," Artie shrugged.

"Yeah," mumbled Winona, "It wouldn't be out of character for you to do."

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