three; acafellas

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Winona didn't expect to see three cheerleaders in glee club today. Though she wasn't opposed to the idea, her instinct to not trust girls like them urged her to keep her distance. She stood at the opposite end of line to avoid the unholy trinity, next to Kurt instead. They were following a choppy choreography that only two thirds of the entire group was making an effort to do. The cheerleaders stood awkwardly, as did Rachel, who then interrupted.

"Can we stop please?"

"You don't have to ask me every time for permission to go the bathroom Rachel, you can just go," Mr Schue responded fast, excited to resume his choreography. Winona started giggling, earning a judgy look from Quinn and Santana.

"It's not that, it's the choreography," Rachel looked at her feet, one arm at her side and the other rubbing her arm up and down. Winona was bored, and turned to Kurt.

"Hey, we haven't talked much," She muttered quietly, as not to disturb the rest of the class, "but I dig your style. maybe you could give me some style tips."

Kurt's eyes lit up.

"Of course, of course. Come by my place this weekend? We can talk about your ever-evolving style," She cocked a brow before he gestured to her clothes, "You wore a dress to audition, a leather jacket and ripped jeans at Carmel, and now you're wearing a turtleneck and jean skirt— which, by the way, is your best outfit yet."

Winona smiled warmly. The way she socialized with everyone made her feel like she could really fit in, like she belonged. Maybe that's why she didn't like the cheerleaders invading her safe space before she was even fully comfortable with it being her safe space.

Just remember what Mr. Schue said: "This place is about accepting everyone. No matter where they came from."

Rachel was babbling about Dakota Stanley, Mr Schue trying to argue the idea of some rando coming in to teach us how to dance.

Winona wasn't very fond of the idea either, it just felt like another person ready to invade their safe space.

"Why don't we let Mr. Schue just improve his choreography? It sounds kinds dumb to pay so much for a stranger, right?" She argued.

"Puh-lease, rage-ey," Santana looked over, arms crossed, "you should be thanking Rachel, maybe these dance tips will help you learn to move and sing at the same time. You need this."

Winona bit the inside of her cheek, holding back an angry retort. Instead, she put her hand up and waited for Mr. Schue to call on her.

"May I be excused?" She blurted quickly, earning a nod of permission. Timidly, she rushed into the empty hallway, impulsively kicking one of the lower lockers and leaving a small dent in it.

This was exactly how she expected having the cheerleaders in glee club was gonna go. She was overwhelmed with frustration that was begging to be released. Her first instinct was to rush to the guidance counsellor.

"Ms. Pillsbury? Can I talk to you?" She asked, peeking her head through the door. The redhead nodded and invited the teen to take a seat.

"What seems to be the problem, Winona? You've never been in my office before," She commented, hands folded on the table.

"I dunno, I just, uh— I'm so angry all the time, and I don't know why. I just joined glee club, and I really thought this could be my fresh start, but I almost lost it today because some cheerleader called me 'rage-ey'. I mean, how pathetic is that?" Winona ranted with a sad, embarrassed sigh. She never let this stuff out before, not even Eric, who always reminded her that he was ready to listen if she wanted to talk. She didn't wanna burden him— or anyone else. Ms. Pillsbury was getting paid to listen to her, though, maybe thats what made this different.

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