forty-seven; asian f

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"I don't like you hanging around that Finn dude, y'know," Ross said as he and Winona got in line for popcorn at the Lima movie theatre. She looked over to him while taking out her wallet to pay for the food.

"He's a nice guy, Ross, and he's my friend," Winona answered simply, turning to the lady behind the cash register, "One large popcorn and two root beers, please."

She held out her money while Ross scoffed.

"He's still in love with you. Are you still in love with him? Because I'm not dating you to be a rebound."

"No, don't be silly," Winona lied, taking the popcorn bag while Ross took the drinks, "Last time I checked, he was still into Rachel. They keep giving each other heart eyes— you have nothing to worry about."

The pair headed towards the inside of the theatre, snatching some 3D glasses and getting the best seats possible. Unfortunately, Ross bought them tickets to see Scream 4. Maybe if he knew her well enough she'd already seen this movie with Eric the other day, he could have taken her to see something else. He probably assumed he could be the cool guy that comforts his girlfriend during a horror film, but she had a feeling she'd be the one doing the comforting.

If only Finn took her here instead. He would have taken her to see that new comedy about the alien— Paul or whatever it was called. It sounded way better to Winona than some poorly written sequel.

Still she sat through it all, her suspicions about who was to comfort who inevitably coming true.

"Why weren't you scared?" Ross asked as they headed for the exit of the theatre. Winona shrugged, taking his arm and putting it around her shoulders for him.

"I'd already seen it," She answered quickly, Ross raising his brows.

"You didn't tell me?"

"Well if I did, you would ask me why I didn't pretend I hadn't seen it for your sake. I can't win," She said in a lighthearted tone so it could be a joke. It was a success, Ross chuckling under his breath as he opened the car door for her.

The car ride was silent. Attempting to change that, Winona turned on the radio in hopes that a song that they both knew would come on. It could be a duet. Ross clearly had other plans, turning it off the second she turned it on. She pouted, sending him puppy dog eyes, "You don't wanna sing a duet with me?"

"I don't wanna sing in general. I'm not gay."

"How do those correlate at all?" Winona cocked a brow, her pout turning to a thin line as she looked over at him.

"You know what I mean. . like that Kurt dude, or that crippled kid—"

"Artie isn't gay," Winona interjected.

"— Whatever. Just because I have to be an airplane in this stupid play, which is already bringing down my rep. I'm not gonna do anything else that makes me seem lame."

"First of all, you're playing a Jet, which is a gang member. Second of all, do I make you seem lame?"

"No! . . . okay maybe a little— but you're not ruining my reputation yet."

"Yet," She mumbled under her breath before the car came to a stop, "see you tomorrow."

"Love you."

𝚃𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚅𝙴𝙽  ➭  𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗇 𝗁𝗎𝖽𝗌𝗈𝗇Where stories live. Discover now