sixty-nine; makeover

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"Why is this call so quiet? You guys are always super talkative," Winona acknowledged. It was her weekly conference call with Sam and Artie, and tension was unreasonably high.

"Because Sam here, has decided to join Blaine and run against Brittany and I for class president."

"Nuh-uh, you're just mad because I kicked your ass in the debate," Sam shot back, "my dance was way better than your boring ramble."

As the boys started bickering, Winona merely sighed, letting it go on for a minute or so before she hung up. Instead of boring herself to death all night, she decided to accept Kurt's invitation for some dinner together while sitting on the floor of his and Rachel's apartment.

"You know, part of why I was so excited to come to New York was because I thought it would be a chance for me to start over, reinvent myself," Confessed Rachel, Winona nodding.

"Me too. I had no idea that it was going to be exactly the same," She agreed, talking with her mouth full

"You know why you guys feel exactly the same?" Kurt began; "Because you're still dressing exactly the same."

Winona raised a brow, looking down at her clothes

"We're not in Ohio any more, guys. And even then, it's not like we were on trend."

"Good point."

"I hate to say this, but life is like high school. Styles and clothes determine the pecking order."

"Well, I don't know what you expect me to do. It's not like I can afford an entire new wardrobe," Countered Rachel.

Winona agreed, sipping from her can of pop, "Exactly. We're broke teens living in New York."

"Who says you'll have to pay for it?" Kurt shot back with a grin, standing up, "Put down your chopsticks and follow me. I got an idea."

As he headed for the door, Winona stood up and reached for her jacket, Rachel narrowing her eyes, "It's almost midnight. What are you talking about?"

"I'm about to change your lives— And maybe mine, too."

( — )

As the trio snuck into Vogue's building, Winona and Rachel were kind of freaking out, and extremely giddy.

"Oh, my God, this is crazy."

Kurt opened another door with his keycard, revealing dozens of high end clothing in a vault of some sorts. The three of them gasped in shock and delight. It was beautiful.

"This is amazing," Whispered Winona as Kurt flicked on the light.

Rachel nodded vigorously, "I can't even breathe."

"They call this the Couture Vault. It supposedly can withstand a nuclear blast," Kurt explained, reaching into the backpack Winona was carrying, "Okay, I'll set up the camera."

"Freeze!" Someone shrieked. The teens turned around and gasped, Winona putting her hands up in surrender instinctively. Standing before them, was a woman— none other than Isabelle Wright and two security guards, "Kurt?"

"Oh, uh. . . I thought you were going to be at dinner with Steve Buscemi and Yoko Ono."

"Well, they canceled again."

Winona quirked a brow, "Again?"

She either didn't hear her, or overlooked her question. "What are you doing here? And who are they?"

"I'm Rachel Berry, I'm Kurt's roommate," Rachel explained first.

"And I'm Winona Watts, their friend from high school."

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