seventy-seven; sadie hawkins

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The glee club performing for the Sadie Hawkins dance was genius, and Finn and Winona were so proud of themselves for coming up with the idea.

In Winona's opinion, the whole 'girls ask the guys' rule was genius, considering it had become a rule of thumb to let the guy do the asking. She always hated that. Though, the second she watched Tina pour her heart out to Blaine— a gay man, and ask him to the dance. She was having serious doubts about Sadie Hawkins.

Seriously, what was Tina thinking?

The New Directions cleared out of the locker room— which was one of their many substitutes for the choir room. Still, during that awkward performance, Winona took notice of something Sam was doing. She took the blond's hand, dragging him away from the rest of the crowd, and all the way to an empty classroom. His eyes were wide and he looked totally confused.

"Sam Evans, why didn't you tell me?" She interrogated, smiling.


"You. Like. Blaine!" Chimed Winona knowingly.

Sam quickly shushed her, putting a hand over her mouth and looking around to make sure no one could hear, "You're crazy! What makes you think that?"

"First of all, you were heart-eyeing Blaine during Tina's terrible song, and I have an excellent gaydar. I've never seen someone more bi than you in my entire life."

Reluctantly, Sam recoiled and shut the door so they could talk about his little crush. Winona sat on one of the desks, smiling at her friend.

"Okay, so I think I like Blaine— but it's so confusing because I want him to be happy and I know that he was truly at his best with Kurt," Sam rambled at a fast rate, pacing the floor, "And it might just be the combo of loneliness and friendship, but I've been borrowing his chapstick just to see what his lips taste like," The boy confessed, talking really fast to let it out. Winona smiled, clapping a little.

"That is. . so cute! I have to set you guys up—"

"No," Sam interrupted, "no no no, no. Blaine is happy— and we're, like, best friends."

Winona hopped off the desk, looking up at the blond, "Hear me out; What if we take an f out of bff?"

Sam gently and playfully punched her arm, scoffing. She hopped off the desk, gently punching him back, before approaching the door.

"All I'm saying is, you two would be an amazing couple," Winona uttered, twisting the handle and slowly pushing the door open while wiggling her eyebrows at him.

( — )

After her awkward conversation about closure with Finn last week, Winona was feeling a lot of emotions. She had a sleepless night thinking about their talk and she needed to do something about it. While Brittany and Marley were asking boys to the dance, Winona dragged Finn out of the room and into the hall by his wrist. Before he could speak, she began.

"No sir, no talking until I'm finished. I've been up all night thinking. . about you and I," She began, talking fast while tucking her hair behind her ears, "And— and everything that's ever happened between us."

"A lot of stuff has happened between us, huh?"

Winona shushed him, quickly continuing before she could lose her train of thought, "Yeah— I mean, there was freshman year, when the only time we spoke was when you were clinging to Puck's side. And sophomore year, when we became friends who accidentally shared deeply embarrassing and private secrets. ."

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