eighty; i do

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— again i was just gonna describe the dress but its so pretty yall deserve to see it !!! this is winona's wedding guest dress :DD

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— again i was just gonna describe the dress but its so pretty yall deserve to see it !!! this is winona's wedding guest dress :DD

"Thanks for coming to meet me," Finn said, taking a seat across from Rachel at the Lima Bean, "I half-thought that Brody guy was gonna be with you, and I didn't think you'd want to spend your first Valentine's Day apart."

Rachel merely nodded, "Yeah, it's actually a little bit of a point of contention between the two of us. He was . . weirded out, about going to a stranger's wedding, and so I—"

"Okay. Okay, cool, cool," He cut her off, "So I don't really need to hear about your new boyfriend all right? I'm kinda freaking out."

"Finn, what's going on with you right now? You look like you slept in those clothes. And you look . . super guilty."

"I kissed Miss Pillsbury," He blurted out, sighing in relief. It felt good to get it off his chest.

Rachel gasped, "Did she kiss you back?"

"No, she was totally freaked out by it," Finn sulked, "She was panicking and I didn't know what to do. so I kissed her, and I . ."

"Does Mr. Shue know?" She interrogated, before leaning forward, "Wait, does Winona know?"

"No— God, no. I don't think Emma would tell either of them, but," He paused for a second to think, "maybe I should."

Rachel immediately shook her head vigorously, "No. Don't. Just . . don't, okay? Remember how you felt about Puck when you found out about him and Quinn? You kicked a garbage can, and I guarantee Winona will do the same."

"I'm the worst person in the world!" He exclaimed in frustration, rubbing his temples as people looked over at him.

"No, you're not," She shook her head, "What you did, it wasn't great, but I read somewhere that kissing someone who's having a panic attack is a natural response, and it can ease the panic. That doesn't excuse it though— dont get me wrong."

"I guess, but I still don't know what to do."

"You always wanted to be an actor, right?" She began, standing up and slinging her purse over her shoulder, "Here's your chance to play the role of the supportive best man."

As she walked off, Finn put his head in his hands, imagining the scenarios that would happen if he told Winona or Mr. Schue about the kiss.

( — — )

Winona felt plenty of relief in knowing Mr. Schue was back. She stood off to the side of the choir room with Finn as everyone celebrated Will's return.

"Mr. Shue, how was D.C.?"

"D.C. was great,but now I am back to stay," He announced, receiving applause and whoops, "And so, for my first order of business, I want to give a big shout-out to the people who made sure I had something to come back to Mr. Finn Hudson, and Ms. Winona Watts!"

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