twelve; mattress

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With the annual Thunderclap yearbook coming out, it meant the clubs needed to get their pictures taken. Everyone in glee club's unwillingness to be in the yearbook was totally rational. Winona would be totally offended if some future student drew a moustache on her face or something. Still, Mr. Schue was insisting they deserve a page no matter what.

"Hey, guys! Great news! Glee club gets a photo in the thunderclap," He announced as he entered the room. The kids responded with dull, fake enthusiasm, "Yep. It's going to show everyone at the school that glee club is on its way up. When we win regionals, those claps are going to be collector's items. I mean, all of your classmates are going to be begging for your autographs."

Winona leaned over to Artie.

"He was way too much confidence in us," She whispered. Artie nodded, adjusting his glasses.

"But, I had to compromise to do it. Um, we only get a quarter page in back. Which means we have to pick two team captains to appear in the photo," He continued, "Tomorrow we're going to put it to a vote! Exciting, huh? All right!"

Winona rolled her eyes, sighing as everyone left the room.

( — )

Winona wasn't paying attention as everyone chatted about nominating Rachel. When the time came, Winnie scribbled down the brunettes name and handed it in like everyone else.

"Looks like everybody voted for Rachel. Including Rachel. But, we need two captains, guys," Mr. Schuester finalized, turning to look at the students over his shoulder.

"Why two? We're fine with having Rachel represent us in the Thunderclap by herself," Quinn insisted. Winona nodded. She was sitting next to her, and Finn next to her. For the first time ever, she felt cool.

"We'd actually prefer it," Kurt added.

"They have a point. I'd look bad with an eyepatch and a moustache," Winona cut in, Santana crossing her arms and preparing a snarky remark.

"Bad news, you're already growing one."

Winona tensed, Quinn putting a comforting hand on her arm. She realized that she was gonna have to get used to her harsh comments if she was going to be in this club with her, especially if she was befriending at least 1/3 of the unholy trinity.

Winona looked down at her lap, pretending she didn't catch Puck glancing to the skin above her lips, checking for moustache hairs.

The club was dismissed and Winona left with Artie, helping wheel him into the hall and to his locker.

"You're not replacing me with Quinn, right?" He asked embarrassedly, avoiding Winona's gaze, "because I can't compete with a hot blonde cheerio."

Winona leaned down to chat easier, shaking her head, "Not at all, Artie! You're my bestest friend. I'm just trying to make nice with the cool kids," She assured, hand on his shoulder, "I promise."

Winona left him at his locker after that, playfully ruffling his hair. As she bumped into Rachel on the way to her own locker, she uttered an apology, but was stopped by the other.

"You! You should be co-captain with me," She proposed, Winona furrowing her brows.

Weren't they mad at eachother last week?

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