four; preggers

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Winona sat on the edge of Kurt's bed as he dug through his closet for something that he thought might suit her.

"You'd look good in just about anything, but I wanna find the perfect outfit for you," Kurt commented, lifting hangers from the rack and then putting them back seconds after.

"Got it," She nodded, picking up her phone to play some lady gaga. Kurt lit up at her song choice, and he hummed it casually while going through his closet.

"Kurt? Do you think he meant it?" Winona blurted out, scratching the back of her neck. He turned his head to look at her, putting a bunch of possible shirts for her on the bed.


"Dakota. When he called me morbidly skinny,"

"Oh honey, no! Your body type is fine! No wonder Puckerman wants to date you so bad."

Winona chuckled at Kurt's attempt to cheer her up a little.

"He doesn't wanna date me silly, he wants in my pants. He wants in everyone's pants."

"Still," Kurt argued with a smile, passing her a bunch of clothes to go try on and rushing her into the bathroom to change.

They had a mini fashion show to Lady Gaga's entire discography that night. She had the absolute time of her life.

"Do you have a ride home?" He asked, making her shake her head. Her house was a ways away, Mark was working late, and Burt Hummel wasn't home, so she had to catch a ride with someone else.

"I'll call Finn," He pulled out his phone before she could make any protests, and was talking to him in no time.

"How did you get my number?" Winona heard him ask over the phone.

"I'm sorry to bug you, Hudson, but I need you to come pick up Winnie! She needs you to drive her home!"

After some quick squabbling, Kurt said a quick thanks and hung up.

"He'll be here in a few," Kurt gave her a quick hug before she walked out the door.

Winona waited outside Kurt's house patiently for Finn to pull up. When he did, he opened the door for her from the inside of the car.

"Can you even drive? Legally?" She asked with a cocked brow. He chuckled under his breath.

"Hello to you too."

"Sorry— I didn't mean to bug you, really. I told Kurt that I could just walk home."

He shook his head dismissively as she climbed in his car. He smiled at her as they drove away.

"I can legally drive by the way, thank you very much."

They shared a laugh that died after a few seconds. Replacing it was an uncomfortable silence amongst them, and Winona was itching to break it.

"Can I ask you about something?" Winona muttered, head down. She was staring at her feet, only glancing up at him for a second or two.

"Yeah, yeah. What's up?"

"In the auditorium," She started, fiddling with her fingers, "when you kissed Rachel."

Winona could feel him tense as he tried to figure out an excuse or explanations that could possibly make sense.

"Look, Winnie, it's really complicated. The kiss wasn't intentional. I—"

Winona gestured for him to stop the car, having reached their house.

"I should go. Thanks for the ride," She finalized, undoing her seatbelt and climbing out of the car.


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