eighty-one; girls (and boys) on film

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The annual girls vs boys mashup competitions was always Winona's favourite. Despite the fact that the previous year it hadn't gone so well for Winona (or for Santana), it was just so fun! The costumes, the paired songs, the themes. It was all wonderful. Though, it wasn't even that big of a deal to her this year— since she couldn't compete, and there were bigger fish to fry.

Finn and Winona tried the basics; See if Sue kidnapped her, and blow up her phone with messages, but it just wasn't working. Somehow, no matter how determined they were to find the runaway bride, after the second idea failed, they were pretty stumped one what to do next.

After an unnecessarily long brainstorm, Winona and Finn decided that they should talk to one of the smartest people they know. Artie.

Though, at first, he wasn't much help.

"Alright y'all, let me dispense some Hollywood logic on you, if I may," He began, pushing up his glasses, "What we have on our hands is a lady manhunt. We need a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse."

"Ain't nobody got time for that," Mumbled Finn, Winona nodding.

"Simplify this for us, Abrams."

"Okay, then just talk to her parents," The boy concluded with a shrug.

Winona finally perked up, actually liking the idea, "You think that will work?"

He shrugged in response, "Pretty sure that's your only lead."

( — )

After getting bombarded with texts from Finn and Artie about meeting them in Emma's office to meet with her parents, Winona decided to treat it with some urgency and headed there after ten minutes of debating it's importance.

Once she pushed open the glass door, she earned a sigh of relief from the boys— who were both wearing ridiculous ginger wigs.

"Thank god! I thought you weren't gonna show up in time," Artie breathed out as Finn reached into a plastic bag for a long ginger wig to match the ones they sported oh-so-proudly.

He held it out to Winona, and she immediately narrowed her eyes, "What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Put it on," Finn said obviously, then pointing to his head, "it was the only way we could get Ms. Pillsbury's parents to come meet with us."

The blonde shook her head vigorously, "No way. I am not putting an itchy wig on."

The trio started quietly whisper-bickering, Winona refusing to put the wig on. As Artie noticed the actual redheads trotting down the hall, he turned to his friends urgently.

"Winona. Wig," He insisted. Finally, she budged, taking a hairtie to pull back her hair in a short ponytail — similar to what Sam would sport, and awkwardly forcing the wig onto her head.

"This is dumb," She mumbled bitterly, adjusting it to look as natural as possible— Which, wasn't much considering it was a department store quality wig.

Mr. and Mrs. Pillsbury walked through the door, and Artie instructed for them to have a seat. They looked suspicious as Finn and Artie went on a long rant about bullying gingers and missing Emma. Winona wasn't exactly in on this plan, so she just smiled and nodded while the boys spoke.

"Okay, so let me get this straight," Began Rusty once they finished, "You brought us here because the "Stop Ginger Bullying Club" founded by our daughter is in trouble."

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