eight; mash-up

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It was painful to watch Finn get slushied by Karofsky. Winona didn't even realize it happened until she heard the sound of the slushie colliding with his face.

So far, she was safe from being slushied herself. No one dared to do it. Yet.

"What the hell, Karofsky?" Finn yelled, shoving the boy against the wall. David pushed back, smirking.

"Oh, I've wanted to do that ever since fifth grade, when you made fun of me for getting pubes. Now that you've joined Lullaby Lee's and insperminated the queen of the Chastity Ball, and dropped below us hockey dudes on the food chain? It's open season."

Winona would have gladly stepped in there, but Quinn seemed to have it under control.

"Screw you, Karofsky! You and your Neanderthal puck-heads are nothing!"

"You two don't have the juice anymore. Welcome to the new world order." He hissed, slipping away from the couple, now approaching Winona. She expected him to have a second slushie just for her.

"And you. You aren't so scary now, huh? Since you joined glee club, you're about as intimidating as that crippled kid," He said, scurrying off. Glaring, She scoffed. As least she wasn't wearing the icy substance yet.  As Finn and Quinn rushed to go clean off while Winona turned to  to Tina, who watched everything from the safety of her own locker.

"This happens to you guys all the time?" Winona asked

"Y-yeah. The sports guys do it to a-anyone who's lower on t-the food ch-chain than them," She explained.

Winona felt bad, knowing that her own friends faced this on a weekly basis. But she also felt bad knowing she wasn't scary anymore. What was she to do if she wasn't scary? Does that mean she was next on the slushie list?

( — )

Winona was couldn't get her mind off of Puckerman's obvious tribute to Rachel today. Was there a budding romance there? Had she finally moved on from Finn? She also noticed a clearly jealous Santana, and a Quinn that was very focused on Puckerman. She pondered it while she walked down the halls. Winona wasn't looking where she was going, and ran right into someone who wasn't facing her. A football player. There was a bunch of them, surrounding Finn and Quinn. She watched as they got drenched in the purple liquid, their eyes luckily protected by ugly sunglasses.

"You can't do this!" Finn exclaimed angrily. The football players laughed.

"Oh, you think that's bad? Just imagine what's gonna happen if you don't show up to practice on Thursday and quit that little Glee Club for good! Bros before hi-hos, dude. Don't forget that."

The jocks disappeared, leaving Finn angry and Quinn overwhelmed. The blonde ran off before Winona could offer her any help, so she turned to Finn instead.

"Let's get you cleaned up. That was pretty bad," She told him. His expression softened and he nodded, following her into the empty boys bathroom.

She had him sit down on a foldable chair and rest his head over the sink, like he was at the hairdressers. She ran the water until is was the perfect tempuature and let him run his hair under it first. Luckily, she decided to bring a washcloth to school everyday, just in case, and this was a time to put it to good use

"How do you know how to do all this?" Finn asked as she worked on dabbing his face and neck. Winona shrugged.

"Mercedes taught me how while she was cleaning a blueberry slushie off Kurt last week. It's not hard, just takes time. Thank goodness you were wearing those god-awful sunglasses. If not, you probably would've got it in your eye and this process would have been 10 times longer."

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