eighty-seven; wonder-ful

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"So you all can make it?" Questioned Winona into the phone, pacing back and fourth with a grin.

From the other end of the line, she got a response, "We're already on our way!"

Words couldn't describe how excited she was for Mercedes, Mike and Kurt to come back to Lima for a visit. Winona squealed in excitement, before letting herself calm down for a brief second, "Oh, and Kurt, I'm really sorry to hear about your dad— I'm sure he'll be okay."

Kurt reached over to speak into the phone, "Thanks Winona, we'll see you in an hour."

"Bye guys!" She finalized, before letting them say goodbye and hanging up the phone. Finn finally emerged from the bathroom right after, clearly finished combing his hair and (attempting to) tie his tie.

"Little help?" He uttered, embarrassedly scratching the back of his neck as he approached her, "These things are impossible to tie— But in order to get the part as high school teacher I have to dress the part, right?"

Winona furrowed a brow, "I mean, you're not auditioning for a musical, but I guess that terminology makes sense?"

In all honesty, she liked the dressing style he adapted once he took over glee club. It was mature, sophisticated, and he just looked pretty cute.

.   .  like, dirty cute.

"I wish I could hang out with you guys today, but I have this really big test coming up and I can't miss it," Finn whined, sticking his lip out absentmindedly to pout, "I have so much studying and classes that I can't even make sure Burt is cancer-free."

Winona finished the tie off by tightening it and then brushing any crumbs from their breakfast off of his shoulder, "It's okay, Finn. Burt's gonna be alright— He's healthy, and they caught it really early. Please don't stress."

He smiled down at her, closing the gap between them to pull her into a kiss. At that moment, Eric walked down the stairs in his pyjamas, immediately gagging.

"Gross! Get a room!"

The pair parted and looked over at Winona's little brother, the girl scoffing, "Eric, we have to leave in five minutes, get dressed!"

Finn glanced down at his wristwatch, his half smirk falling, "I should head out— Love you, Winnie."

As her boyfriend headed for the door, Eric uttered a goodbye.

"See ya, Finn!"

"Have a good day, kid."

Once the boy was out of sight, Winona turned to her brother, grabbing her keys and an apple in one foul swoop.

She tossed the apple to Eric, "Come on, lets go!"

"But I didn't have time to get dres—"

"We're gonna be late!"

( — )

As usual, when Winona arrived to school she headed for a morning coffee. As she pushed open the door to the faculty lounge, she was greeted with Mr. Schue pacing around on the phone. So, naturally, she approached to listen in.

"Wait, did you get Fanny Brice?" He suddenly exclaimed loudly, everyone judgily turning to look at him. Winona knew then who he was talking to, and whispered for him to put her on speaker.

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