sixty; saturday night glee-ver

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It's true, disco sucked. While Winona enjoyed Blaine, Mike, and Brittany's performance— the genre was dated and bored her. Plus, the last thing on her mind was disco fever. She had Finn, New York, and Nationals to worry about. She stood at Mercedes' locker with Kurt, chatting about their higher education.

"I'm thrilled you got into Defiance College and Cleveland State, but what about NYU?" Kurt offered.

Winona nodded, "Yeah! You would totally thrive there."

Before they could reply, someone they didn't recognize approached timidly. "Kurt Hummel? Winona Watts? Mercedes Jones? I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm your biggest fan. I've been to every last one of your performances, except West Side Story."

The trio cocked a brow.

"I boycotted that one because you two weren't Tony and Maria. But Winona, I'm sure you were a lovely Graziella."

"Why, hello, kind sir," Kurt began.

"I don't believe I caught your name," Added Winona.

"Wade Adams. I go to Carmel High. And I'm in Vocal Adrenaline, and I know we're supposed to be archenemies, but I swear, I'm not here to spy. I want to ask your advice about something."

All of them went to an empty classroom to talk. They weren't bothered by the fact that Wade went to their opposing team for help— they thought it was sweet.

"Our coach is Jesse St. James."

Mercedes and Kurt shared a look, while Winona rubbed the back of her neck. She was pretty much the only person who thought he didn't suck.

"God, he's awful," Mumbled Mercedes.

Wade shrugged, "He's nothing compared to the kids at school. . or my parents. Do you know how I get through it? Ever since I was a kid,
I would play this game where I'd pretend I was a different person, the person that I dreamed of being. . . the real me."

"Oh? That's great," Winona praised.

"I even have a different name: Unique. I got so nervous, I almost didn't speak to you guys today. But then I thought, how would Unique do it?"

( — )

"What about NYU?"

Winona nodded, "Yeah! You would thrive there!"

Before the conversation could continue, Kurt stopped them "Wait, wait. Hold that thought. Someone with exquisite taste is wearing—"

"Joy. By Jean Patou," The mystery woman, Unique, cut them off, "Kurt Hummel, Winona Watts and Mercedes Jones, Unique worships the red carpet you walk on. If you two had a love child, it would be Unique. Winnie, you would be Unique's sapphic aunt. Unique's grandparents would be Andre Leon Talley and Beyoncé, because only the best will do for Unique."

The three of them exchanged an impressed look, smiles showing up on their faces as Unique looked over at the people that walked by.

"Yes, fools, it's real chinchilla! Unless you're planning on splattering it with paint," She paused, "Then it's fake."

( — )

"Unique sounds like a really great person. I hope that, one day, you can build up enough courage to be him," Kurt said kindly, making Wade shrug.

"Actually, Unique's a her."

They slowly nodded in understanding.

"That's why I want your advice. Our regionals are this Saturday," Wade went on, "and I want to go on stage wearing a dress and heels. Because that's who I feel like I am inside."

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