one; pilot

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Today is going to be a good day.

Today was the first day of school, after all. Summer was over and it was time for the doors of McKinley High to open once again, inviting any and all students to situate themselves there for another unbearable year.

To Winona Watts, today was just another boring day. The only reason she wasn't skipping school to something that actually mattered to her was her brother. Eric was starting high school today and he was beyond terrified. Winona and her impulsive, protective instincts were going to look out for him. He was practically untouchable— no jocks could try hurting him if she was around.

Winona oozed an intimidating aura similar to Noah Puckerman's. Her petite form and friendly face made it tough to be as scary as him, but anyone who's been around her long enough knows that once her aggression builds up, it's bound to spill out.

During her freshman year, chairs, garbage cans, pencils, and lockers were all victims of her rage. she kicked them, slammed them shut, broke them in half— anything to take out her frustrations.

Though, the teenage girl wasn't always so aggressive. It was her defense mechanism, the only thing keeping her safe from vulnerability. If she intimidated people to the point of everyone avoiding her, no one would end up hurting her: perfect logic. The only people she was remotely close to was her father and brother, Winona planned to keep it that way.

"Quit bumping into me, dorkus," Winona hissed at Eric as they strolled down the hall together. He cracked a stupid grin and deliberately bumped into her once more. She reached up and lightly punched his arm, exchanging giggles. They walked through the sea of students together, Winona pointing out where everything was and who Eric should be staying away from (She wasn't strict, but there was a no Karofsky, Ms. Sylvester or Santana rule). The pair walked past a sign up sheet that had a couple signatures on it. Eric stopped to read it.

"Glee club? What's a glee club?" He inquired with a cocked brow. Winona tugged on his hand and lead him to his locker.

"No. No sir— you're banned from being around sign up sheets," She hissed letting go of his arm so it could fall back to his side.

"What did I do??"

"You signed me up for the school play without my permission!" Winona shot back, tilting her head up a little to glare at him. There was a subtle height difference, but he was just a little taller (which he bragged about often).

"And? You did great!" He argued, turning to his new locker and digging a lock out of his bag, "The best ensemble member this place has ever seen."

Winona rolled her eyes, remembering how unbearable it was to work on that musical last year— especially with one Rachel Berry. The blonde crossed her arms, about to reply when the bell rang.

"Do you know where to go?" She asked over the chattering students, receiving a nod in reply. The two parted ways, Winona heading for Spanish and Eric to history.

"Winona!" An unfamiliar voice called, making her stop in her tracks. She looked over her shoulder to see Noah Puckerman approaching her, with Finn Hudson following behind. Puck wore a shit-eating grin, while Finn looked like the mix of a confused child and a concerned parent. "I have a proposal for you."

Winona knitted her brows together, turning around and leaning against the wall of lockers. When the two finally reached her, she was yawning with boredom.

"Make this quick, I don't wanna be late for class."

"First off, who's that kid you were with?"

"My brother?" Winona knew what was coming next.

"But you're. . . and he's . . y'know. Different colours," Finn butted in, scratching his head.

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