eighty-two; feud

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— again sex worker hate is not tolerated here ‼️ just wanted to put that out there 4 this chapter thank u

The tension between Finn and Winona was pretty high since the news about him kissing Emma came out. They hardly sat together during glee clubs, and didn't cuddle, or talk on the phone after work— Hell, they hadn't even kissed since then.

Though, what was much worse, was the tension between Will and Finn. In fact, Mr. Schue had made it his mission to make himself better by treating Finn poorly. He would give the boy ridiculous tasks, compliment everyone but him, and prioritize Winona as the 'better co-director'. It was driving the poor guy mad, and Winona (along with the rest of the glee clubbers) was absolutely tired of it.

Tina, Winona, Blaine and Artie sat before the men, their arms crossed — and ready to give a lecture.

"Mr. Shue, Finn, thank you for agreeing to this sit-down. We've all noticed the tension between you ever since Finn admitted he kissed Miss Pillsbury."

If Schuester was sporting a polite smile before, it had suddenly dropped. Winona too was frowning, but because she was thinking back to how the boys were acting the whole week. Arguing over lattes, passively aggressively discussing dry cleaning, driving each other mad.

"You're feuding. And it needs to stop," Tina said sternly. Then, as Blaine stood up to write on the whiteboard, Winona decided to recall and narrate the memory from the previous day — where Mr. Schue was 'fake complimenting' Ryder just to hurt Finn's feelings, and it ended with a kicked over music stand.

"Seriously. It's like Hatfields and McCoys in here," Whined Artie.

"So epic musical feuds is our theme," Winona explained.

"And for the first time in Glee Club history, we are giving you, our fearless leaders — excluding Winona, an assignment."

"You two will explore and resolve your differences by performing a song together inspired by a classic musical rivalry," Artie told them smugly, though, they looked incredibly doubtful.


"Regionals are coming up, Mr. Shue," Tina cut him off, "and if we're gonna have any chance of winning, we need both of you on the same page and on the same team."

"That's that," Winona stood up, dusting off her skirt for no reason at all other than to seem slightly more intimidating, "Now get to work, we can't wait to see what you come up with."

( — )

There was so much feuding going on that Winona was trying to keep under control this week. There was Finn and Mr. Schue, Sue and Blaine, as well as Unique and Ryder. Though, she really wasn't in the mood to try and break up any fights, especially if it was between her boyfriend and former teacher. Instead, she sat in the cafeteria with Sam, eating the toast she made that morning while they picked at their gross school food.

"These rivalries are stupid," She whined, "And they're not even that good. Like, Ryder started a feud with Unique because he doesn't understand that she is a woman. It's ridiculous— he's ridiculous."

Sam nodded, "Y'know what would make this week more interesting?"


"If you and I had a feud," He explained, earning nothing but confusion from Winona, "It doesn't have to be real, but it would be fun."

Winona furrowed her brows, lips curling into a smirk, "That's not a bad idea. I'm in."

"Awesome. We are officially feuding."

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