seventy-one; the role you were born to play

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— one more chapter for yall this weekend

After her disastrous encounter with Finn, Winona rushed to her old home. Mark was both worried and ecstatic to see her, pulling her into a big hug. She explained the entire situation, while also filling her father in on how she was doing in New York aside from her now-ex-boyfriend drama. When Eric came home, he did a double take, unable to process who was standing in the kitchen and cooking pasta. His sister.

He threw her into a hug, practically jumping for joy.

Post rendezvous, Winona dialed the number of one William Schuester. She explained how she was back in town for a bit and asked if she could sneak into a glee club meeting. He happily agreed, insisting that the kids would be glad to see her.

"It's perfect! Finn's actually here too!" Chimed Mr. Schue, immediately faltering. He realized that Finn previously cried to him about everything that was going on— though he still wasn't aware that they had broken up yet.

"Oh, yeah. I know," Winona said softly, pacing around slowly in her room, "he's actually. . he's why I'm here. We, uh, broke up."

After a quick apology, they finalized that she would sneak into glee club the neck day, and she said a polite goodbye.

As Mr. Schue went on about their production of Grease, Winona prepared to sneak into the choir room. She entered through the doorway, the only person to notice her was Eric, but she pressed a finger to her lips to shush him before he could announce her presence. Everyone was too busy discussing amongst themselves to even realize she was there. Winona snuck through the back row, shushing anyone who finally noticed she was there as she weaved through Sugar and Joe. Finally, she stood behind Sam and Artie, who were discussing their favourite Grease numbers.

Now that most of the club was watching, Winona grabbed the back of Artie's wheelchair and put her head between the two boys, "Boo!"

Startled, the blonde boy nearly fell off his chair as people started to giggle. Artie gasped and exchanged a happy look with Sam, who was already tackling Winona into a hug.

"The dream trio is back, baby!" Announced Artie in his signature white rapper-voice.

Sam eventually let go of his friend, Winona promptly hugging Artie next.

"Uh, who's this?" Marley asked politely as the blonde McKinley alumni went around to hug all of her old friends.

"She's Winona Watts. Also technically me, as I was dubbed the New Winona," Brittany claimed, looking to the brunette.

"She's only the most talented girl the New Directions has ever seen," Sam insisted, prompting Winona to nudge him in the side playfully as Tina glared over at the blond boy.

"I'm just in town for a bit, and I wanted to see how things are doing here," She said, then going over to Marley to shake her hand, "A pleasure to meet you, newbie."

"You too. Uh— I'm Marley, and that's—"

"Unique!" Winona finished for her, pulling the girl into a hug, "I'm so glad to see you transferred to McKinley. You are gonna thrive here."

And then the bell rang, everyone dispersing as Artie and Sam dragged Winona to the cafeteria so they could talk about her and Finn. They were sure something was up when Finn didn't get a hug during the little reunion they had. As she explained the whole situation to the boys, they gasped.

"So you two aren't together anymore?" Sam asked with a frown.

"Exactly, but— let's change the subject," She insisted, "So. . . what's this about Grease?"

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