seven; throwdown

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Another day of rehersals were dismissed and everyone was eager to leave. Being in Sue's company that often was far from ideal. On the way out, Finn caught up with Winona.

"Considering you are harboring two of my biggest secrets, I could consider you one of my closest friends, right?" He started as they walked down the hall. Winona looked up at him, taking in the information. It warmed her heart a little to think she was a close friend of anyone's. It made her smile that Artie, Kurt, Tina and Mercedes were now seeing her as close friends. Outcasts. Being friends with the quarterback was like an added bonus.

"Sure, yeah. Of course, why?"

"I was wondering if you could come with me and Quinn to get her ultrasound done. I could use moral support. Mr. Schuester will be there too, so you won't be third wheeling or anything."

Winona had to physically restrain herself from 'aww'-ing. She gave him a comforting smile and a pat on the back.

"I'll be there."

The two went their separate ways Winona made a mental note to let Eric know he would have to walk home alone tomorrow.

( — )

Winona got a ride from Mark to meet up with Finn and the others, which created dozens of questions from her dad about if she was pregnant or injured among other things. Winona just smiled and shook her head the whole time, until the four of them entered the building together.

Finn and Quinn were in the ultrasound room, leaving Mr. Schuester and Winona to look through tacky magazines that were left in the waiting room. Once Finn stepped out of the room, Winona and Schue looked up expectantly.

"So?" Winona smiled, hoping their baby was healthy.

"The baby's fine. Uh, no mutations or anything. Not even any cool ones." Finn sat down on a third chair, looking over at them. They both cracked a little smile at his comment, but they faltered when they saw how off he looked.

"Thanks for taking us today, Mr. Schue. I was too freaked out to drive, and thanks for coming, Winnie. It was less scary knowing there were people here I could trust."

They both insisted it was no problem, before Mr. Schue asked if he was doing all right. They all knew the answer was no, but wanted to give him a chance to rant if he felt like it.

"Um, no," He scratched the back of his neck, "I mean, how am I supposed to take care of a real person? My mom won't even let me have a fish."

"I thought Quinn wanted to give the baby up for adoption," Mr. Schue queried, Finn shaking his head.

"For now, but we both know that's not my call. This sucks, I get all the stress and the worry and none of the control."

"You should talk to her about it," Winona suggested. She wanted to be helpful, but she knew nothing at all about this subject. Even she was struggling to wrap her head around the idea that Finn was going to have a kid before he graduated high school.

Quinn walked out, looking at the three of them before gesturing for them to follow her out the door.

"It's cool, you guys," Finn stood up first, forcing a sad smile, "You two just wouldn't understand."

( — )

Winona couldn't believe that Ms. Sylvester was seperating the kids based on whether or not they were minorities. It made her sad to be away from all her closest friends.

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