one; pilot (pt2)

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"So?" Eric asked as he followed Winona down the sidewalk. She looked over at him with a small smile.

"So?" She questioned, hands retreating to her dress' pockets.

"Are you in glee club now? is it fun?"

"I don't know, it looks pretty disastrous. I got in, but rehearsals were rough. Rachel was all over the quarterback."

Eric cringed, shaking his head in disgust before doing a quick double take.

"Quarterback? The Finn Hudson joined glee club?"

"Yeah, why?"

"That's like, social suicide for a jock!"

Winona slapped his shoulder while they walked up the driveway together, like yesterday.

"Could've told me that before you let a psycho coax me into joining!"

"Uh,, it slipped my mind?" He smiled innocently as they walked through the door.

"Whatever," Winona dropped her bag next to the door and made her way towards the stairs, "I'm gonna watch a movie. Lemme know if you need anything."

Entering her room, she shut the door and collapsed out of bed, lazily kicking off her boots and sighing. She wondered if she should back out of glee club now, or wait til it gets bad. Which was worse? She could already tell Rachel wasn't gonna share the spotlight, and while the diverse band of misfits was refreshing, Winona wanted out. She reached for her ipod, plucking the earbuds in her ears to blast something random from her variety of song choices. The thought of watching the movie was pushed aside by a new and slightly unwelcome thought.

How pretty Finn Hudson was.

This is not something the tough-gal was normally dwelling on. She was an angry loner, she was aggressive and the only people that could stand being around her were her family members. Cute boys were not supposed to be on the brain. Not when she had assignments coming up and new people to socialize with. But even just the way he sang was kind of intoxicating. She wasn't the only one who thought so.

Winona huffed once more, thoughts battling eachother.

She only likes him because he's the hot male lead, right? Everyone likes the hot male lead. Especially Rachel.

Winona grew mad at herself for dwelling so much over a boy with a girlfriend and another girl chasing after him like a duckling to it's mother. The thought made her snicker. To get her mind off of glee club, she finally reached for her TV remote, pressing play on the horror movie that was already in the dvd player.

Nightmare on Elm Street. Not bad.

( — )

A school trip. Greeeeat. Winona wasn't super enthusiastic to go visit what was going to be her team's competition. Still, she got on the bus with her resting bitch expression, looking around. Mr Schue urged everyone to sit with another to bond and socialize, despite the many open seats that were left as a result. Winona looked around, biting her cheek. Mercedes was sitting with a very feminine boy she hadn't met yet, Rachel was with a girl Winona assumed was Tina (she saw her name on the sign up sheet on the first day of school), and Finn sat alone with his feet on the seat— probably to keep Rachel away.

Still, he moved his legs and batted the dirt away with his hand so Winona could sit there. With a huff, she walked to the back of the bus and took a seat next to Finn.

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