i'm letting go

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happy friday! i've been writing some rather dreamy poetry lately, and i think it'll definitely fit the sort of *theme* i have planned for my next poetry collection! a question for you-- do you prefer my "love" poetry or my "depressing" poetry lol :) i can't really decide, i like both styles for different reasons, so i need help! leave a comment with your opinion!!!


you faded away

like vintage sweatshirts

and soft summer sunsets

where you once

drifted through my mind

like fluffy clouds in the sky

you became but a drop

of salty water

in the endless expanse

of the sea

stretching before me

a myriad of blues and greens

the colors of your

favorite t-shirt

or was it your eyes?


those were the deep


of sunday espressos

your name tickled my

tongue less

as the hours turned

dust dripping

in the hourglass at a

tantalizing pace

when i licked my lips

i couldn't taste

cherry anymore

from your


i stopped thinking about you

of course i still did

just not all the time

you stopped

consuming me

in the way you had before


that's what my love for you


my heart couldn't bear it

i no longer


when i saw your name

in books

remembering how you were


so deeply

into the pages of mine

a chapter

filled with mindless teenage


the margins littered with

"j"s and "s"s

and hearts and cupid's bows

i used to know the

exact shape

of yours

a delicately arched top

to your pink lips

now i only remember that you

were beautiful

but beautiful

in the way

flowers are

at the height of their gorgeousness

just before they


or perhaps i am thinking

not of you but of what we had

it was wilting

i still clung to

dried out petals

and the cracking stem

long after the parched earth

could take no more water

as a means of rejuvenation

what awaited it was death

perhaps that is what awaited

us too

your presence in my heart

petered out

from a bonfire

to a single flame

and then less than that

embers and ashes

should i mourn the loss of a fire

that once kept me so warm

if it burnt me in the process?

i no longer see you as

aphrodite come again

or madonna with brown curls

you were just a girl who couldn't

make promises to me

that she wasn't going to keep

i wish i could thank you

but it still hurts to think about

everything we were not

i'm not fully whole yet

but this is a good start

— i'm letting go

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