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QUICK A/N! the next poems are part of a mini collection of poetry that i started in november, and i wanted to give you a little info about them!

WHAT THIS IS: in A Patchwork Quilt of Maybes and Almosts (my last poetry book hehe) i had several collections of poems that were way too small to make into poem books on their own. you might remember them (for example, stories from the palais) but this mini collection is a little bit different. i think i might manage to accumulate enough of these poems as time goes by that i publish them in a separate poetry book, but for now, they're going to stay here under the header "confessions of a teen-aged dreamer"

BACKSTORY: so i started writing these poems in november, when i met this girl (i've referred to her as "ace" in some of the following poems, since that was my nickname for her haha <3)... you kind of get to see the progression of my feelings for her, and i think it's really interesting to read through them in order :)) to be completely truthful, the poems i wrote about her are probably the most real poems i've ever written, and they mean a lot to me. that being said, there's also a lot of exaggeration (no, i wasn't in love with her like i say lol) and i'd appreciate feedback, since "love poems" aren't really what i'm used to writing!

thanks for reading my kind of irrelevant author's note... enjoy the poems ahead haha!

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