Chapter 1

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Tris POV

"Trissss!" I hear an ear-piercingly loud girl scream from the training room doors. I look around and obviously it is Christina. She runs up to me with a huge grin on her face and her arms doing this weird dance that just looks like she can't control. "Zeke's apartment, 7 o'clock tonight, Candor or Dauntless party" She squeals in my ear.

"What the hell Chris?" Her look of excitement turns in to frustration as the last word leaves my lips.

"Stiffs!" She face-palms before explaining. "Candor or Dauntless is basically Truth or Dare, you either answer a question truthfully or do a dare, and if you don't then you have to take a piece of clothing off. Shoes, socks and jewelry don't count, which means, wear layers and we need to go SHOPPING!" And just like that her smile returned showing all her perfectly white teeth.

"Let's go" Chris grabs me by the wrist and drags me out the training room and through the Pit into her favourite clothing store. After running around plucking many garments off of the racks, she ushers me into one of the changing rooms.

My best friend is crazy. I mean she must be, how else could she put together such an awesome outfit in under 10 minutes? I stand looking at myself in the mirror. I am wearing all black, obviously, you are not going to find anything bright green in a Dauntless shop. On top of a black sports bra I have a tank-top, followed by a laced back t-shirt and cropped leather jacket and some leggings, under skinny jeans, accompanied by knee high doc-martins.

After we payed and went back to my apartment to get changed, Chris insisted on putting a 'little' make up on me. By the time she was done I had been transformed from the simple Abnegation girl I once knew, into a moderately pretty Dauntless woman with dark smokey eye makeup and red lipstick. "Thank's Chris" I say, letting my Abnegation show.

"Crap it is almost seven, we need to go or we will be late."

"Christina!" I whine as she kicks me out the door.

Tobias POV

We are all sat in Zeke's living room waiting for the game to start. I say 'all' what I mean is me, Uriah, Zeke, Marlene, Shauna, Lynn, Will, Al and Peter. Chris and Tris aren't here yet, I hope they do come. I'm not sure why Peter is here since no one likes him, and I still don't like Al after what he did to Tris. Hell, the only reason she forgave him was because Peter had him on mind control serum. For all we know Peter could be a psychopath in training from the way he's acted recently.

I hear a knock at the door and Zeke gets up. "Welcome to casa Zeke!" He says and gestures for the newcomers to enter. Christina waltzes in and sits next to Will, but then Tris, my Tris shyly enters after apologizing for being late. It is so obvious she came from Abnegation sometimes. She walks over to me and sits dow next to me, joining in the circle.

"You look stunning" I whisper so only she can hear.

"You don't look that bad yourself" She whispers back before leaning in for a quick kiss.

"No PDA!" Uriah shouts at us. He is such a hypocrite with Marlene sat there on his lap. All they did was make-out until Tris arrived. He is an idiot, and sometimes I want to smash his face in but Zeke is his older brother and my best friend.

"Right, now everyone is here..." Zeke starts getting everyone's attention. "I start 'cus it's my house, let the week of C or D commence!" He says, ending with a mock bow. "Uriah, my dear baby brother, Candor or Dauntless?"


Hello and thank you for taking your time to read this. Comment any ideas for truth or dares to be used in future chapters, and who they are for would be great!


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