Chapter 11

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Tris' POV

After my retard brother left we continued the game. I noticed that Peter has been eyeing me suspiciously so when it is his turn to ask I am not surprised he chose me. "Tris, C or D?" He asks smirking. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking he scares me so I click my knuckles before responding.

"Dare, what can a little twat like you do to me." I snarl at him. Oops I should have thought more about that because he stands and grins his menacing smile.

"I dare you to let us watch your fear landscape, while I'm in it with you." He cocks his head towards to the door and I stand to leave. As I am about to start walking someone gently tugs on my wrist.  

"You don't have to do it." Tobias says in a calm soothing voice. I look at him hoping the look on my face explains it all. He sighs so I think he knows I wont back out. "Fine, but I'm coming in too." The last part is directed at Peter and he just shrugs.


Tobias injects the serum into my neck as we enter the fear landscape room. Peter, Tobias and I turn to face our friends who are huddled around a screen ready to find out my worst fears. "You know Stiff, it is not too late to back out..." Peter trails off and as the last words leave his lips we go under.

I am in the field waiting for the crows to come and tear me to shreds, that is the first one. "Your scared of birds?" Peter taunts as a few circle above like a hawk watching their prey. The first lands on my shoulder, piercing the skin with it's talons. I drop to the ground searching for the gun.

"Where is it?" I cry out in panic.

"Where's what?" Tobias asks crouching down in front of me.

"The gun. I need the gun." I feel the weight of the birds as they land on my back. Peter is swatting the off his arms and Tobias is ignoring the three clawing at his back. My arms are covered in deep gashes and my shirt covered in blood. I need to concentrate. Deep breath in, deep breath out. The eerily familiar coldness of metal fills my hand as my fingers feel for a trigger. I aim at one of the birds circling above us and as the trigger pulls the simulation changes.

I'm in the tank with water quickly rising round my ankles. Through the glass I see the familiar face of Tobias. He puts his hands up to the glass and is shouting something at me but I can't hear him. I try to calm my heart rate and stare into his eyes but I can't focus because Peter is stood right behind staring in fascination. By this time the water has rose to my shoulders so I slam my foot into the glass and a small crack appears. "Again, again!" Tobias mouths so I do as instructed and the box shatters.

Salt. I taste salt. The freezing cold ocean slams me into a hard rock and I feel the wind be knocked out of my lungs. Climb, I grip onto the hard rock and try to get out the water but the waves pull me away making it near impossible. Near impossible. I can do this. My numb hands hold on for dear life as I use my legs to climb up out of the water, I did it.

The bone chilling cold is replaced by excruciating heat. "Oh Tris! I'm flattered. I knew you were scared of me." Peter sounds like a small child on Christmas when he sees simulation him set the stake I am tied on to on fire. I grit my teeth as the flames lap at my skin.

"I'm not afraid of you Peter." I spit out his name like venom and the scene changes.

We are in Abnegation, you can tell because everything is grey and boring but there is a large mirror that covers the whole wall to my left. The silhouettes of hands start to scrape at the windows. I cover my ears to block out the screeching sound of nails on a blackboard. "There are guns in the closet." I state whilst making my way to the mirror but in the reflection I see all the faceless me pouring into the house. I enter the small closet and Tobias and Peter follow.

"Hmm, cozy." Peter growls as the men bang on the door. The door, there is another way out. I feel around for the small panel and when it opens I start to crawl through.

"Kill them" Jeanine's voice echoes through the room. Before me are my parents, Caleb and Tobias. A cold metallic cylinder is pressed against my temple and Jeanine starts to count. "Ten." I can't do this, I can't kill them. "Nine."

"Do it Tris, I know you can. I will forgive you." Tobias' voice startles my thoughts. I just shake my head and feel tears swell in my eyes.

"Eight... Seven." Jeanine counts faster.

"No." I say my voice calm and emotionless.

"Your choice." Jeanine shrugs and Peter walks up to me holding a gun to my forehead.

"Six, five, four, three, two, one." Peter impatiently blurts out not even stopping to breath before everything goes black and I feel myself falling.

I wake up from the simulation gasping for air. "That was... fun." Peter considers his choice of words before slouching back in a chair.

"You okay?" Tobias asks pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply burying my face in his shirt.

"I watched you die..." He says taking a shaky breath. "Why didn't you shoot me?" He questions still refusing to release me from this bone crushing hug.

"I couldn't." I reply. "I didn't want to." I feel him hold me tighter and I smile into his shirt.

"Trissy! What happened to number seven?" I hear Christina scream as her eyes are wide with excitement. "Did you..."

"No! God no." I cut her off before she accidentally tells everyone about my missing fear.

"Am I really that repulsive?" Tobias jokes. Him and Chris are the only ones that know.

"Oh course you're not." I lightly slap him across the chest and he throws me over his shoulder whilst running back to Zeke's. "Four! Put me down." I laugh slamming my fists into his back.

"What's he magic word?" He taunts stopping at Zeke's door.

"Please?" I try.

"Nope." He pops the 'P' and just stands there still holding me.

"Pretty please?" Still nothing. "Dauntless cake?" In two seconds flat I am standing in front of him but my legs turn to jelly and I start to fall. Tobias pulls me up into an embrace and I enjoy the moment until everyone else arrives.

"My go!" I shout waltzing into the apartment. "Peter!"

"Dare" He grumbles.

"Do the dare I just did." I smirk expecting him to agree so then we are even. Everyone starts to cheer and stand but he stays sat there.

"Go to hell bitch." Peter sneers and takes off his shirt. Everyone sits down with disappointed looks.

"I'll meet you there." I smile and flip him off earning cheers from everyone and Tobias pulls me into his side.

"Have I ever mentioned how hot you look when you're belittling Peter." His warm breath tickles my cheek.

"Maybe once or twice." I reply and we start to kiss.

"Yeah, yeah everyone hates me I get it now." Peter says sarcastically. I just smile into the kiss and block out everyone around me and Tobias.


Oh my Dauntless Cake! 800 reads! That's crazy, thank you everyone. Everyone should be aware of this by now but it has become a tradition soo... As always, I don't own Divergent nor I ever will.

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