Chapter 13

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Tris' POV

"Get dressed or they will start without us." I shout back at Tobias as I run into the kitchen. I can't believe him, did he think I forgot about Caleb? Doe he expect me to be a complete wreck just because my brother died? Newsflash! I won't let my world fall apart because I know that there is nothing I can do to bring him back, so the faster I get over it then the better.

I will not cry. I will smile and say 'I'm fine' even if I don't mean it. I don't need anyone's sympathy because sympathy suggests they are sorry, sorry for what happened, sorry for what I am going through. They are not sorry, they have nothing to be sorry for.

"I'm ready." Tobias stumbles out the bedroom pulling on his shoes. He looks so stupid fumbling around.

"Good. Lets go." I grab my keys and head out the door. I don't realise how fast I am walking until I arrive at Zeke's. Two more days left of this game, just two more days and then it's over.

I don't bother knocking I just walk in and flash a smile at everyone. I barely close the door before I am attacked by arms engulfing me in hugs.  "Oh Tris it's going to be okay." Christina coos. I don't know why but I flip at her comment pushing everyone off me.

"No Chris it is not 'Okay', nothing about this is 'okay'. My brother is dead. Dead. Do you know what that means? He is never coming back." I snap as everyone backs away.

"Sorry I'm late." Tobias says panting in the doorway. "Tris you practically ran the whole way here." I glare at him and he looks confused. "Are you okay?"

'No, no I am not Tobias. I just want my brother back but that is never gong to happen.' I feel like saying and crying my eyes out. But I don't I clench my fists and go sit in the circle. "Who's starting?" I call out from where I am sat. Everyone slowly shuffles in and Tobias and Christina sit next to me.

Tobias says something but I am not listening enough to understand so I ignore him and stare across the circle. I don't know what I am actually looking at until it moves, he moves. Eric waves his hand in front of his face trying to get my attention and smirks when he realises I was staring. I blush and look down at my lap hiding my face. Eric's smile is so goofy looking that he actually looks friendly.

"I start." I announce breaking the comfortable silence. No one objects so I continue. "Eric, Candor or Dauntless?"

He puffs out his chest before replying. "Dauntless, I'm not scared of a Stiff." He taunts but not like he normally does. His words are not harsh or brutal, instead they a friendly like to him 'Stiff' is just a pet name.

"Seven minutes, anyone." I reply. I don't know why but I am interested to see what he does.

Eric starts to remove his shirt and I hear Tobias let out a sigh of relief besides me whilst wrapping his arm around my waist. But then Eric pulls his shirt back down and walks over to me. "I think I might need your help for this dare." He smirks pulling me up and we go to the spare room as everyone stares in silence.

I walk over and sit on the bed. He follows and rests his head in his hands. "Four is gonna kill me you know?" He says staring at the floor.

"Might as well make the most of your last minutes alive then." My voice is cold and I feel no emotion as the words leave my lips. Unaware of what I am doing I lean in and gently lift his chin with my forefinger to bring his lips to mine. The kiss we share is gently and loving, in no way sloppy or rushed. I feel him smile against my mouth as we stop for air.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He says his forehead resting on mine.

"It's fine, I started it." I shrug and start to kiss Eric gently again. I feel so confused... My mind is telling me to stop, reminding me that I am with Tobias but I continue enjoying the gentleness of Eric's lips.

What am I doing?

I find Eric's hands and rest them gently on my hips. He hesitates at first with them hovering millimetres away for about a second before I take his hands again a push them against my hipbones.

Is this a mistake?

No, this feels too right to be wrong.

"Eric! Seven minutes are up!" Tobias bellows from the other room.

I pull away from Eric and we share an awkward smile. "Shh... Our secret." I whisper bringing my index finger up to my lips. I walk out first so no one suspects anything and join the circle sitting next to Tobias.

A strange feeling forms in my  stomach and I try to ignore it as Eric walks back in. Guilt... I feel guilty. But I shove the feeling aside a burry it, I would rather focus on a more positive emotion right now.

Stupid conscience.


Everything goes by a blur for the next few hours. At some point Uriah left and returned with pink hair, Marlee threw a temper tantrum and Will proposed to Christina. Will proposed to Christina! I suddenly remember that is why Chris has been banging on about dress shopping for the last few ages.

Everyone decided that it was time for lunch so we headed to the cafeteria. I am not hungry so I find myself just staring at the plate of food in front of me. "Tris you need to eat." Tobias encourages me gently nudging the plate closer to me.

"I'm not hungry." I reply shoving it away. I am not anything really, I don't feel anything. I am numb.

"All you have had today is coffee." He explains. "You will make yourself ill if you don't eat." Tobias cuts an apple up and hands me a small chunk.

"I said no." I answer still not looking at him.

"Come on Tris, it's just an apple." He coaches me. Does he not get it? I have bigger things on my mind than food at the moment. "Fine, what about cake." He sighs handing me a small plate. I cross my arms and shake my head no.

"I am not hungry." I explain for what feels like the hundredth time. At that exact moment my stomach decided to do its best impression of an elephant.

"I think your stomach begs to differ." Eric interrupts laughing. I flash a sarcastic smile and skewer a piece of cake and shove it in my mouth.

"Happy now?" I turn to Tobias, cake still in mouth.

"Very." He smiles and kisses the tip of my nose. "Strawberry?" He mumbles holding the stem with his teeth. I lean in and bite off half of the red berry. Tobias smiles still holding the strawberry in his teeth. He throws his head back and he catches the berry in his mouth before quickly eating it.


Short chapter BUT I needed to start off the upcoming issues somewhere. Please don't kill me for the whole Eric Tris thing... It is important for later on. As always, I don't own Divergent.

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