Chapter 27- THE END part 2: FINALE

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Tris' POV

"Are you kidding me!? That coward won't even let us try to find him! He's taken out the cameras before hand." Tobias bellows and slams his fists into the desk.

"How long have they been out for?" Eric asks whilst loading up another computer program on the screen.

"Three days. How the bloody hell has no one noticed that the camera's have been out for three days?!" Tobias' face turns red as he spins the desk chair across the room in frustration. The chair swirls as it flies across the room and crashes into me before coming to a halt. Being the most ungraceful person ever I fall to the floor and land on my but. Both Eric and I   laugh  it off but Tobias stresses out and runs over, cupping my face in his hands. "Oh my God, are you okay? I'm so sorry Tris." He mumbles and scans my face for signs of pain.

"Four, relax, I'm fine. See, laughing is a good sign." I say and stroke his chin slightly. He looks exhausted, we probably all do since it is now three o'clock in the morning.

"I'm sorry." He repeats again, this time helping me up to standing.

"I know." I send a half smile and go to sit on the desk. "Is there any way to find out who disabled the cameras?" I ask and fiddle with a dial that is next to the screen.

"No." Eric says and gently swipes my hand away from the controls. I have no clue how they even know how all this stuff works, there is two different keyboards per screen and one massive one that connects to all of them that has at least one hundred different buttons, dials and slides.

We sit for ages as I watch to two mess with different programs and test different scenarios out as to how the cameras were scrambled. Nothing is working and they have made no progress. Occasionally the tapping of the keyboards and hum of machines is overridden by swearing and frustrated grunts.

Bored! I am so ridiculously bored that I find myself practising handstands. I can hold it for about five minutes at a time once I practise for a while. "Tris, do you have nothing better to do?" Tobias questions as I turn over into yet another handstand.

"Every time that I try to help you tell me not to touch anything." I complain and let my legs flop forward so my feet hang by my head.

"Sorry." He says and turns back to the screen. "Can you re-watch this footage please? It is the last twenty minutes sped up before the cameras went down."

"Okay." I say and waddle over, still standing on my hands. One wrong placement is all it takes and my arms give way beneath me. I fall to the ground with a loud thud as my heels slam into the control panel full of dials and slides. A loud crackling is heard through the speakers before a picture loads on the screen.

"Tris you absolute genius!" Eric shouts and runs over to the screen that just turned on.

"Um?" I mumble, still crumpled on the floor. "Thanks but what did I do?"

"This is the missing footage." He says and speeds it up. I manage to stand and gently lean over Eric's shoulder so I can see what is happening. The people fly by as the recording hits full speed. Suddenly everything clears and the only people remaining is my parents alive but wearing the nooses and a tall man standing behind them with a gun.

"Turn the volume up." Tobias mumbles and Eric complies. Although the audio is crackly we are still able to hear the speech over the roar of the chasm.

"This is for your own good." The man with the gun says before shooting both my parents. Their lifeless bodies drop and they hang in mid air by the nooses tied round their necks.

I watched them die... I just watched my parents die but could not do anything about it because they were already dead.

My throat dries and it becomes hard to breath. "Tris?" Tobias's voice echoes through my ears. His thumbs swipe beneath my eyelids to remove tears I was unaware of. "You okay?"

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