Chapter 7

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Tobias' POV

"I got them!" Tris shout while barging through the door and throwing a pair of boxers at Christina's head.

"Ew, ew, ew! Gross!" She shrieks as they get caught in her hair. "Will! Get it off, get them off now!" With her arms flailing around in  the air. Everyone is still laughing even when the boxers fall to the floor. "It wasn't funny. How would you like a pair of Eric's underwear in your face." She pouts and whines like a
child throwing a tantrum.

"Hey these still have a tag in them!" Marlene points out as she picks them up. "Uriah you were supposed to make sure she didn't just buy them."

"I did!" He moans and sits down.

"So they weren't Eric's boxers?" Christina asks sounding hopeful that she did not get a face full of his underwear.

"They are his but he just hasn't worn them yet." Tris explains as Chris does a mock praise.

"How do you know?" I question her still not convinced.

"He said so." Tris shrugs her shoulders and comes to sit down next to me.

"He just gave you a pair of his boxers?" I look at her confused and she just acts like it is a normal thing to do.

"And coffee!" Uriah blurts out. I don't take much notice of it until I realise Tris is glaring at him.

"Coffee?" I don't know why but what Uriah just said puts a knot in my stomach and I feel Tris is hiding something. Everyone looks at her almost prying for information but she just sits there with a look of annoyance clear in her stare.

"Fine." She begins to explain. "I knocked and the door no one answered so I opened it with a spare key I found and he was stood there. He gave me a cup of coffee and then he asked why I was there, I told him about the dare and he gave me those." She points to the boxers in Marlene's lap "Happy now?" Everyone nods but I still feel suspicious. Shut it she is your girlfriend Tobias, Tris wouldn't do anything with Eric. But I keep questioning her.

"Where did you get a spare key to Eric's house from, hmm?" It comes out sounding harsh and jealous, that is not what I meant to say. I hope she understands, but she doesn't.

"What are you implying, Four?" Her voice is shaking and her jaw tenses.

"I just said..." But she cuts me off.

"What? Do you think something is going on with me and Eric? Is that it Four?" She snaps her voice is hoarse and full of anger. "I thought we went over this yesterday Four. He is Eric, Eric! Why do you think that everything has a double meaning? Can I remind you that this whole 'dating' thing is new to me too, but I know for a fact that cheating is wrong and if that is what you think I am doing then this, this is over." I don't know what to say. I just watch her meet everyone's gaze before having another outburst. "Do you think that is what is happening?" Tris is addressing everyone now. "Because of yesterday?" I close my eyes because I can't bare to look at her like this. This is worse than watching her fear simulation. Because this is something that I caused.

Tris starts to leave, but not like last time. This time she holds her head high and looks me in the eye right until she is out of sight.

No one tries to stop me when I follow. I turn a few corners and see her walking. "Tris." I shout but that just makes her run, makes her run faster. "Tris!" I call again but she speeds up into a full sprint. I have roamed these halls so many times that I know them like the back of my hand... one more left and we will be at the Chasm.

The faint sound of rubber on wet metal is followed by a high pitched screech. Tris. No, she can't have. Could she?

I get to the bridge in time to see the last person I would want to see at this moment in time helping Tris up. Eric. Great so now it looks like he is the hero not me. Tobias why are you such an idiot, at least she is safe.

I lock eyes with Tris as she stands with the support of Eric. She must have hit her hip because she stands at a funny angle clutching her side. I expect her to say something but instead she turns away from me and walks off.

"Hey she said she was running from someone, any idea who?" Eric asks sarcasm lingering in his words.

I shake my head no but in reality I want to scream because she was running from me. What have I done.

Eric walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "If you ever find yourself single, there is a new bar that has just opened in the Pit, fantastic food." He grins at me and walks off. Before his comment has even registered I spin around and punch him square in the face.

"Stay away from Tris." I hiss at him and head off in the direction that she went in.

"Kind of ironic considering she was staying away from you jut now." Eric says in his monotone voice, the kind I use when around initiates. I realise now why I do so, it is because when a person has no emotion that is when they are most threatening, that is when they are most dangerous.

Tris' POV

I am going to the net. I want to be able to forget about everything that has happened in these past few days for at least a minute. But first I decided to ride the trains. I stand leaning out of the door with the wing blowing through my hair. I stay like this for ages, just appreciating the sunset and the train races through the city. It is almost time to jump. I remember this jump from initiation, when the girl died just a few hours after she chose her new home. Three. Two. One. I hurl myself off the train and land effortlessly. I have jumped off so many trains recently that it has become instinct.

I stand in the same spot that Eric did when he first scared the crap out of us when he said we had to jump. I replay Peter's comment when I volunteered to go first through my mind. I laugh at it, I laugh because I am no longer just the 'Stiff'.

One breath in and I jump letting the air try it's best to stop me from falling. I stare up at the sky as I fall. I feel free. Something soft cushions my back before throwing me back into the air. I bounce a few times but once I am completely still I start to cheer. I cheer because I feel free. I cheer because I no longer care about the last two days. I cheer because this is no longer my problem... It's his problem now, because I am fine whatever the outcome.

I just lay there for ages watching the sun set and the night awaken. I feel someone pull on the net causing me to roll nearer to them. I look up and see Eric. "You know you really shouldn't be her, what if a Dauntless Leader finds you?" His husky voice is rich with humour and sarcasm.

"I really don't care." I say with a massive grin on my face as we lock our gazes on each other.

"Well in that case..." He says whilst jumping up onto the net to lay next to me in the middle. It feels strange at first to just lie here next to Eric watching the night sky, but then he takes my hand and starts to play with my fingers gently kissing each one.

We talk and laugh for what seems like hours until he says something that brings me back to reality, that makes me realise that I can't just forget about these  last two days. "Do you know why I like you, Tris?" I don't say anything I just look at him. "You are complete opposite of me. You are brave because you put yourself at risk to protect others. All I do is show off with stupid stunts and beat people up to prove that I am better than them..." He leans over to give me a gentle kiss on the lips that only lasts a moment but that is when I realise... Everything that Eric just said was true, I am nothing like him but more to the point, there is someone a million times better than Eric.

I quickly get up and leave. My legs carry me to my destination as fast as humanly possible. I get to our apartment door and start to knock like my life depends on it. "Four, Four it's Tris!" He opens the door and I kiss him immediately. It takes a brief moment for him to realise what is happening before he kisses back.

"I'm sorry." We both say in unison.


Yay happy moment! Goodbye Eric and hello Fourtris! As always I don't own Divergent.    

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