Chapter 4

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Tobias' POV

What the hell was that? When Tris comes to sit back next to me I ignore her and hold my glare on Zeke. He knew what would happen and he still dared him, some friend you are Zeke.

"Who is gonna ask since Eric left?" Tris asks breaking the silence.

"I will." I almost shout at her. "Tris, what the hell just happened!?"

"T-Four calm down, it was just a dare and I didn't pick truth." She says calmly whilst leaning away from me.

"Fine! I dare you to answer the question!" I feel my muscles tense and my fists clench as she slowly stands up and tears form in her eyes.

"It was a dare Four." Tris practically spits my name like it is venom. "And it was his dare not mine so I couldn't refuse even if I wanted to." Tears spill and roll down her cheeks as she backs away from me. It is only now that I realise I am stood towering over her with my fists balled.

"You didn't have to kiss back." I sigh and stretch my fingers, returning the circulation to my hands.

"I am sorry okay?" She says still crying, not bothering to wipe her tears away. "Wait no I am not, you overprotective jerk!" Those last words sting my ears and my chest feels like it is on fire as she picks up her jacket and walks to the door. "Thanks for inviting me Zeke." She sighs before leaving, leaving and not looking back.

I feel as if I have been standing in the same spot just staring at the door for an eternity. I can feel everyone's stares burning holes into my skin. I hear Christina say something before smacking my face and leaving, probably to go find Tris. As the door closes everyone starts shouting at me but I can't make out what they are saying.

"Four what the hell? I get you were mad but you didn't have to hit her!" Zeke shouts in my face whilst smacking the side of my head with a pillow.

"I, I what?" He does not say anything. Instead Zeke just stands there with a look of confusion and shock on his face. No. No I can't have hit Tris, that would make me just like him. Just like my father. Just like Marcus. Everyone goes silent as I look around the room and see them sat there each with the same expression. Complete and utter disgust. Apart from Peter who seems pretty care free about what just happened.

"I need to find her." I say as I grab to door handle.

"No. You need to stay here and calm down." Shauna interrupts while closing the door. "Tris will be fine, Christina went to find her." She reassures me in a calmer but still force-full tone of voice. She clears a spot on the couch for me to sit, and I stay there with my head in my hands listening to the hushed conversations happening all around me.

Christina's POV

"Tris, Tris?!" I shout as I run through the halls of the Dauntless compound trying to find my friend. Where would she go? I have already checked her apartment, the cafeteria and the pit but she isn't anywhere. I am walking over the Chasm when I hear a muffled sob. "Tris? Is that you."

"Christina?" I hear her voice come from bellow. I hop down onto a few rocks and see her sat on a large rock which is sheltered from sight if you are on the bridge.

"Tris are you okay?" I coo while engulfing her in a hug. We sit there for a while with her crying on my shoulder. When she stops crying and sits up I see there is a large bruise forming on the left side of her jaw. "Ouch. Does it hurt?" I ask gesturing to her swollen face. Tris is brave and does not like to show when she needs help so just shakes her head no. "I'll go get you some ice for that, stay here."

When I return with an ice pack I see Tris staring at a carving in the rock. "Hey Tris how did you know about this place?" I ask as I hold the ice pack to her face.

"It is, was mine and Four's secret spot." Tris does the whole 'try to sound emotionless' thing but it doesn't work and she starts to cry. "I knew that he would not be happy about me having to kiss Eric but I didn't think he would overreact that much."

"Oh Tris I know. Hey it's getting late. Do you want to come back to mine and eat ice cream, watch a movie and talk about all the stupid things our boyfriends have done?" I end with a little shoulder shimmy to lighten to mood and I think it works because she starts to laugh. "Let's go then." I smile and help her stand as we walk back to my apartment.


Tris' POV

"Oh and one time Will forgot I was supposed to be meeting him at the diner so he walked in with Al and was all like 'Hey Chris! Do you want to join us?' it was so awkward that Al ended up just sneaking away." Chris shouts from the kitchen. It is two in the morning and we have each already had way to much ice cream but she insisted on getting some more. We haven't had a girls night in ages, and to be honest I kind of miss just hanging out with my best friend. Too bad the prompt for this girls night was a massive argument I had with Tobias.

"No way! what happened then?" I ask wanting to hear the end of Chris' story.

"Well after Al 'disappeared' Will was hilarious and apologised about a million times within the next hour only to then have a drunk Al, Uriah, Peter, Zeke and Four to interrupt our date and take him off to go zip lining."

"Really? Poor Chrissypoo! I would have been like if your going..." But I am interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Cristina? Is Tris here? Please I need to talk to her." I hear Tobias shout through the door. Chris comes out of the kitchen and goes to unlock the door but I start waving my arms around franticly, silently telling her not to tell him where I am.

"She isn't here." She shouts back at him, not opening the door.

"I know she is I heard her talking!" He sounds angry but the pain in his voice is still crystal clear.

"I don't want to talk to you Four so please leave me alone!" I scream from where I am sat on the couch. I can't see him right now. Not after what he did. I grab another spoon of ice cream and shove it in my mouth.

"Please Tris? You know I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't even know it happened until you were gone. I'm soo sorry, Tris please talk to me." He sounds exhausted and his voice is hoarse like if he was crying. "Fine, Zeke is making me stay at his tonight so you can go home if you want. I promise I won't be there. I am sorry Tris, please can we at least talk about this tomorrow?" I can't stand to hear him sounding so hurt. Before I know what I am doing I have flung open the door and am kissing Tobias. This feels so right but I am terrified at the same time.

When we pull away he rests his forehead on mine. I see a single tear roll down his face an falls to the floor. That one tear forms it's own miniature ocean that carries tales of pain and heartache. "I love you, you know that Tobias..." I whisper so Chris wont hear. "But I can't do this right now." I stroke his cheek and step back into Christina's apartment closing the door behind me. 


Hello, so that was a sad chapter to write. This not the end of Fourtris though, this is only a new beginning. As usual I don't own Divergent because Veronica Roth does.

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