Chapter 25

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Uriah's POV

They say you should always have a backup plan; if I don't become the leader of Dauntless then I think professional opera singer would be a good career to fall back on. Apparently my so called friends disagree and decided that the best way to notify me was to shove an old, sweaty sock down my throat... I could die from that you know!

Can you picture that in the news? The headline will read 'Boy Dies from Sock to Face' wait no that is not exciting enough. How about 'Socks... Are They Really the Enemy?' no not that either, it says nothing about me. Bingo! I have an idea, the headline will read 'Extremely Handsome Boy Dies Tragically from Sock Attack' yeah, perfect. I shall go down in history!

"I need to go the infirmary." I say whilst removing the rest of the sock fluff from my tongue.

"You will be fine." Marlene says as her laughing fit finally ceases.

"I'm sorry dude but you deserved it." Zeke, my brother or in this case the attempted murderer says whilst pulling on his ear. "We could have gone deaf."

"We could have gone deaf." I mimic him but in a higher pitch. "Whatever, I want Dauntless Cake." I say before quickly making my way to the cafeteria.

Before me is a thing only ever seen before in my fear landscape. On the cafeteria doors is a large sign with red writing on. 'NO MORE CAKE SORRY' My jaw drops and I feel tears form. "Marlene." I cry and lift my finger to point at the monstrosity that is before me. "It's scenario number two." One of the tears falls down my face as the sign sways when the door opens and closes. "I need a hug." I whimper and open my arms. Marlene just crosses her arms over her chest and scowls at me.

"I said no touching for two days." She shrugs and begins to walk back over to the others.

"But this is an emergency!" I sulk through the halls when something catches my eye. Someone has thrown a perfectly good Dauntless Cake into the bin. A whole Dauntless Cake! Granted there is a banana peel and half a sandwich stuck to it but I'm sure it will be fine. I pul it out of the bin and remove the other crap from it. Delicious.

I start to eat it on the way back to Zeke's. Everyone ran on ahead so I have to jog slightly.

"I got cake." I smirk and waltz into the apartment where they are already sat down.

"Yeah, on your face." Lynn says and looks at me questionably.

"I thought they were out of cake." Marlene says and swipes some of the icing.

"They were." I say as she licks the chocolate icing off her finger.

"Where did you get it then?" She asks whilst stealing more icing.

"Someone put a perfectly good cake in the bin, can you believe it?" I  say and her jaw drops. I knew she would be just as excited as I was.

"Eww! Uriah I just ate that! You're so gross!" She says and slaps the cake up into my face. Waste of cake. "Now it's three days on no touching since you let me eat something that was in the bin!" She snaps before going to sit back next to Lynn.

"My go!" Christin squeals and claps her hands together repeatedly. "Shauna, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless." She answers.

"Do the cinnamon challenge." She grins and runs into the kitchen to return bearing a box of ground cinnamon and a ladle.

"A ladle? A ladle!" Shauna questions the size of the spoon chosen. Chris merely nods before handing over the loaded spoon.

"Three. Two. One!" Everyone chants as Shauna shovels the orange powder into her mouth. We watch as she tries to swallow before a red cloud explodes from her mouth. You can't see her face through it but her arms fly out trying to clear the storm.

When it eventually clears, Shauna is covered head to toe in the copper coloured dust. "You're supposed to strip before you get fake tan done babe." My brother blurts out whilst rolling around on the floor, clutching his stomach.

"I'm going to change." She states before heading into their bedroom.

Tobias' POV

We have a short break whilst Shauna cleans up. "Hello." I mumble into Tris' neck. She laughs slightly and turns her head to look at me.

"Hello, when did you arrive?" She says sarcastically before resting her forehead on my own.

"I think I got here just before you Tris, you know since you're sat on my lap." I smile and gently fit my lips to hers.

"I didn't realise." She smirks and we continue to kiss. My thumbs gently rub the small patch of skin between her leggings and tank top. She adjust her body weight so her full body is facing me instead of twisting at an odd angle. "Tobias?" She whispers and wraps her tinny arms round my neck.

"Yeah?" I brush a stray strand of hair out her eyes.

"This week has been hectic, do you think we can just forget everything that's happened? Please?" Her grey eyes are still young and youthful but tell the tales of her time.

"Forget what?" I smirk and take her hands in mine.

Someone decides that this is the perfect time to ruin our moment so loudly clears their throat, signaling the continuation of the game.

"Zeke, C or D?" Shauna asks as she reappears wearing a pair of shorts and a large T-shirt that by the looks of it is Zeke's.


"What the hell are these?" She snarls and holds up a matching set of purple lace lingerie. "Don't you dare lie to me Ezekiel Pedrad because I found these under our bed and Christina is a living, breathing, lie detector."

"Shit." Zeke says and runs his hands through his hair. The room is filled with an uncomfortable silence that makes my stomach tie in knots. "Shauna, they are your birthday present. Lynn told me your favourite colour is purple and Chris helped me pick them out for you since she said you refuse to buy any when you go shopping with her." The look on Shauna's face contorts through anger to embarrassment.

"Oh. Oh, thanks I love them. I almost had a heart attack when I found them and thought you were cheating on me with some slut." She smiles and runs over to sit with Zeke. And breath. Awkward moment over.

"Soo, do you own anything like that?" I whisper to Tris. She lightly punches my shoulder as a reply. "Just asking." I defend and hold my hands up in mock surrender.

"Hey Chris?" I call out across the circle to get her attention.

"Yeah?" She looks confused. We don't normally talk to each other unless it is about Tris or in a group conversation.

"Can you take Tris shopping for some of that stuff?" I ask and her eyes grow wide with excitement whereas Tris' almost pop out her skull in surprise.

"Four!" She snaps and turns to face me. I just give her an innocent smile and tap the end of her nose lightly with my index finger. This makes the expression on her face soften and she starts to smile. Time to pull out the puppy do eyes. I pout and tilt my head hoping that I don't look like a complete idiot. "Fine." She sighs. Yes! "But..." Crap. "I want the half of the closet with the mirror on the door." Is that it?

"Really?" She nods. "I thought you were gonna hold something ransom or..."

"Do you want me to do that instead?" She interrupts.

"Nope." I pop the 'P' and she buries her face in my shoulder to hide her laughs.


Like I said before, please comment if you want a sequel because I need to know which ending to use and if there is a sequel it will be called 'Candor or Dauntless- 7 Days Later'

Yay! 100 Votes! This is more than what I ever imagined my book would get so a big thank you goes out to every one that has voted.

As always, I don't own Divergent, nor I ever will... So, yeah.

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