Chapter 17

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Tris' POV

"Yeah, lets go to Zeke's." I surprisingly manage to say when in reality all I want to do is curl up in a ball and fade away. What have I done? Was I really that stupid last night?

Chris finishes cleaning up the plates and we head out the door. I don't have shoes on since my heels are at Eric's and I haven't gone home in case Tobias is there, I have no clue what I will say to him... somehow I don't think 'sorry' will quite cut it. "He's never gonna forgive me is he?" I turn to Chris hoping she knows what I am talking about.

"Do you want to know what I really think or do you want the whole supportive friend speech?" She replies awkwardly running a hand through her hair.

"Honest opinion please." I wince and stop walking.

"Honestly, no I don't think he will." Those words make me realise what a mess I have caused but she continues to talk. "But Four is a lovesick idiot that would do anything for you so even if he doesn't forgive you as such, I think he will get over it after a while."

"Will it ever..." I start but am cut off by a bone crushing hug.

"Tris, you really messed it up but I'm positive everything will go back to normal in the end." Christina's arms wrap around my shoulders threatening to crush my bones as she talks.

I can't think of anything to say so I try my hardest to smile and continue walking to Zeke's.

Tobias' POV

I wake up and the bed feels cold and empty. Strange, Tris didn't come home last night.Someone is knocking at my door like their life depends on it so I get up and answer. Before me stands a guilt ridden Eric.

"Before you punch me in the face I have something to explain." He quickly blurts out defensively crossing his arms in front of his face.

"Fine, two minutes." I say stepping to the side so he can come in.

"Is Tris here?" He asks sitting down opposite me on the couch.

"No." My instructor voice comes out.

"This might take longer than two minutes then..." He trails off and I immediately become three times more interested in what he is saying. "You know I like Tris already so please wait to punch me until I'm done." I sigh and nod my head. "Okay so last night after you left the bar we stayed a lot later than everyone else, until it closed actually. Anyway we hung out the whole night and all Tris talked about was her brother and you. I'm worried about her Four, she's changed so much since he died. I mean I know that the change is currently working in my favour but it's bad for her." Thankfully he left out the sections where they were clearly making out but the concern for her in his voice is evident.

"Tris needs help. Her brother's death has left her confused and lost. I guess you've realised that she didn't go home last night, you see the truth is I brought her back to mine. I slept on the couch but she woke up screaming and crying, she thought I was you when I came in and tried to calm her down. I just need her to be okay Four."  I don't know what to say. The room is silent for what seems like an eternity.
"Even if she is with you, I just want her to be okay."

Have you ever had that moment when all your emotions mix into dizziness and nothing seems real? I am in that moment now...

The spectacular now! Note the sarcasm. I just listened to Eric explain that he loves my girlfriend and that he believes she needs help? Everything he said is true though. Tris does need help.

"Okay, I'm done. You can punch me now." His face scrunches up preparing for the impact of my fist to his face but it never comes. I don't punch him, because all Eric has done is given me a reality check.

"Thank you." I say and he opens his eyes confused.

"What?" He chokes out, his jaw hanging open.

"I am not repeating it." I stand an head to the door. "Are you coming to Zeke's?" Eric shrugs and follows me out.

Tris' POV

When we arrive at Zeke's apartment Tobias and Eric aren't there yet. Thank God! The awkwardness has been postponed.

"Are you okay Tris? 'cause you kind of had a lot to drink for your first time." Zeke asks as we walk through the door.

"Yeah, um I just had a small headache earlier. Um hey Zeke, Shauna I'm sorry if I said anything last night." I reply and decide to throw in an apology as well.

"It's fine." Shauna comes up and hugs me. "You were drunk and stressed, but if you ever do that again I will beat you up." She smiles before going to sit back in the circle that has started to form.

I sit between Chris and Uriah as we wait for Tobias and Eric to arrive. "So Stiff, that was quite a show last night, never would have guessed you could dance like that." I cringe and burry my head as Peter brings up the unfortunate happenings of last night. "Does this mean I can't call you 'Stiff' anymore? Because that dress... That dress was anything but Abnegation attire." He grins before Lynn smacks him round the back of the head.

"You saw?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Yep." He pops the 'P' and continues to talk. "Don't worry, it's nothing I haven't seen before in initiation... I must say, you have filled out quite a lot since then." I am about to lean across the circle and punch him in the face but Lynn beats me to it once again.

'Thank you' I mouth to her and she smile back at me looking accomplished.

Everyone sits and talks for a while until Four and Eric walk in together. Oh crap.

"Hello everyone!" Tobias waves and smirks but neither of them sit down. "Tris, can we talk to you for a second?"

I gulp and walk out the door following them.

"I told Four about everything that happened last night and he said he isn't mad." Eric starts.

"Actually I said I am not mad at her, I am pissed off at you though." Four turns to Eric and corrects his statement.

"Yeah but you didn't punch me." They bicker like three year olds.

"Do you want me to punch you?" Four says but it comes out light hearted.

"Sorry the offer is closed. Anyway... Do you want to tell her or shall I?" The two sound like the whole first part of this conversation is a joke but the last sentence is serious.

"I will." Tobias takes my hands and looks me in the eyes. His blue eyes draw you in and make it impossible to look anywhere else. "I'm worried about you, we are worried about you. Tris ever since Caleb died you have changed and neither of us think that this change is healthy for you. We just want you to be okay. And I know that you were drunk and all last night so lets just forget about it and move on." I look to Eric and he just nods showing that he agrees with Tobias.

I shake my head and take a step back. "You don't get it do you." I start everything about me emotionless. "I want you to be mad about what happened because then I know that you cared." Both of them just look at me confused. "The only way that I knew Caleb cared was his reactions. People only show or feel emotion when they care enough to..." My words tumble out my mouth and I slowly retreat backwards down the hall way. "Both of you have just looked me in the eye and admitted you don't give a damn."

I want to run and hide but instead I push past both of them and walk back into Zeke's apartment and return to my original seat. The two guys enter and sit next to each other across from me. "Look Four has a new best friend!" Uriah shouts sarcastically pointing at the two.

"Nope, they aren't quite friends they just share a common interest." Peter joins in with the sarcasm, winking at me.


Okay, so the next chapter will return to the actual Candor or Dauntless game. Thank you for reading, as always, I don't own Divergent but if the rights are ever on auction I will be there...

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