Chapter 2

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Uriah's POV

"Uriah, my dear baby brother, Candor or Dauntless?" I hear Zeke shout. Why do I have to go first, can't he clearly see that I am in the middle of something with Marlene?

"Dauntless, I aint no PANSYCAKE!" I scream. This earns a few groans and a slap on the head from my beloved girlfriend. I don't see what the issue is, honestly I believe they are all jealous that they can't use such an awesome word without sounding like they are in the wrong year. The term 'pansycake' shall return! I think to myself.

"Dude are you even listening? I said go do stupid 7 minutes with Mar." Zeke sounds annoyed, I wonder how long I have been day-dreaming for? But then I see Mar standing by the spare bedroom door of Zeke's apartment glaring daggers at me.

"What? Are you too Pansycake to make-out with your own girlfriend for 7 minutes?" She says with her hands on her hips.

"Don't use my word against me woman." I joke whilst pointing at her.  Zeke's dare is pointless since that is what we were doing anyway. Oh well, I wonder who will be my next victim. Mwahahahaha! I think to myself.

"What the hell Uriah?!" Mar snaps in my face.

Oops, I think I was thinking out loud again...

Tris' POV

"7 minutes are up love birds!" I shout as I bang on the door. When they eventually walk back in Marlene's hair is a mess as she tries to flatten it down.  She notices everyone staring and starts to blush.

"Did ya' have fun?" Christina questions in a sing song voice. Marlene just glares at her and throws a pillow knocking Chris over. "Hey what was that fo-"

"Tris! C or D?" Uriah butts in, ending Marlene and Chris' argument.

I think for a minute before answering. "D, give me your best dare Uri." I say a little over confidently, making him laugh.

"Did you hear that Four..." He says. "She wants the 'D'" Everyone starts laughing apart from me and Tobias who just sits there, probably plotting ways to kill Uriah.

"Oh shut up Uriah, what's the dare?" I say and everyone one goes quiet.

"That's my girl." Tobias whispers in my ear, I may not be looking at him but I can tell by his tone of voice that he has a massive grin on his face.

"Ummm, go into the hallway and the first person you see you have to propose to, make out with them, and if they kiss back or say yes, then you have to slap them and accuse them of cheating on you." He blurts out. Sounds easy enough, so i get up and walk out the door, Uriah and Tobias follow, his hands clenched into fists.

I walk for a while, until I turn the corner and see...

Eric's POV

I am on my way to the control room when the Stiff walks up to me. Wow, she looks amazing with a bit of makeup and fashion sense. What am I thinking, she hates your guts.

"Hey Eric..." She says in the most beautifully flirtatious voice. "So I know that we have never really gotten along that well,  but see the thing is that ever since you hung Christina over the Chasm I have kind of had a thing for you." She says whilst twiddling with her hair. Yes, yes, yes is all I can think. I know I was a dick to her during initiation, but I had to it was my job. Does she actually like me? I thought I blew it when I put her up against Peter and was put in the infirmary. "And I know it is normally the guy that does this, but Eric will you marry me?" She says getting down on one knee.

Ok, dude you need to breath. Before I know what is happening I pull her into to an embrace and we start making out. Oh I have waited so long to do this. Ever since she voluntered to be first jumper and when she took the knives for Al, I have known that all I want was to be like her. She is Dauntless because of her simple acts of bravery, not because she enjoys beating people up and is good at it.

Tris suddenly stops and knees me where the sun doesen't shine and back-hands me round the face. "How could you?" She questions as tears fill her eyes. What the hell is she doing, I thought she liked me. "How the hell could you cheat on me?!" She screams.

"Babe, I am sorry. I did't think you would ever like me. I will break it off with Megan right now if you want me to. As long as yo-" But I am cut off by clapping and laughter. I look up to see Uriah and Four rolling around on the floor, and Tris wiping her mouth.

"Eric it was a dare." She says as a small part of me dies inside.

"Dude, your girlfriend is not going to be happy about this." Four says, still lying on the floor laughing.

I should have known this was too good to be true. I want to scream and punch someone but the nearest person is Tris and I wont, I can't hurt her. So I turn to the wall and punch till my knuckles bleed. I let a single tear roll down my cheek before realizing what just happend. Damn, they can't see me like this. I can't have a brake down over a gir. But she wasn't just any girl.

A small hand rests on my shoulder, Tris' hand. "Eric?" She whispers.

"What do you want Tris." I sigh.

"I'm sorry" Is all she says.

Tobias' POV

So that was weird. Eric likes Tris? And had a mental breakdown when she didn't actually propose? I never would have believed it unless I actually saw it happen, which I did. That dick thought my girlfriend would propose to him. Someone needs to learn the basic rules of 'don't cheat' I make a mental note to punch Eric later in my head. What will Megan say if she finds out about this little fiasco? Maybe he can break it to her over a big piece of Dauntless Cake, yeah that should be good.

"Sorry dude, do you want to join us for C or D?" Uriah asks while scratching the back of his head. Please say no, please say no.

"Fine..." Crap. "I need to make sure no one finds out about this and I want some revenge on whoever dared her." Eric finishes talking and we walk back to the apartment.

Uriah's POV

Before we get back I run ahead to make sure no one will tell Eric that I dared Tris to propose.

"Guys, Eric is joining no one, I repeat NO ONE will tell him I dared Tris!" I shout. They all nod silently and wait for the other 3 to return.

As the walk in and sit down Zeke turns to me and says really loudly for everyone to hear, including Eric. "Soo why can't we tell him that YOU dared Tris?" And finishes with a smirk.

Lucky for me he is close enough to punch so I pull back my fist and let it fly at his jaw. "Bullseye!" I shout at my triumph. Unfortunately seconds later Eric punches me in the nose as Four shows everyone a recording of what happened, earning him a punch from Eric also.

"Dude, don't get blood on my carpet!" Zeke shouts at all of us.


Hello and once again thank you for reading. As always ideas for truth or dares would be great! What did you think of Eric's POV was it a plot twist? Obviously I don't own any of the characters or the faction idea... so yeah.

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