Candor or Dauntless -7 Days Later: Prologue

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7 Days Earlier...

"Caring is dangerous... If you care for people then their lives can and will be used against you. Consider this a lesson learnt Beatrice Prior." The mans voice echoes but this time I am positive of his identity.

I have heard his voice in Abnegation...

I have heard his voice at the Choosing Ceremony...

I have heard his voice in a fear landscape that was not my own...


Tobias' POV

Where are they? Tris and Eric should have been here by now... I grow impatient and decide to go look for them.

I walk through the pit but when I arive at the Chasm the sight before me is one that should be reserved for nightmares; Tris is curled up in a ball on the broken bridge as it sways in mid air. What the hell has happened here.

"Tris!?" I call out, hoping she will respond.

"Tobias?" Her soft voice croaks as she sits up.

"I'm coming to get you... just, stay still."

As I near the bridge a few of the remaining bars give way and fall victim to the harsh waters beneath. "Tobias?" She says her voice shaking right before the remainder of the bridge and her fall into the icy waters.



I lied before when I said the first update would be in two weeks... Here is the prologue for the sequel. The updates are going to be the same as always; at least once a week.

If you want to add the story to your library the it has been posted and is called 'Candor or Dauntless -7 Days Later'

This is my last update on this book so farewell to anyone that is leaving and see you soon to all of you that want to read more.

Many thanks,
-Melle xx

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