Chapter 15

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Tris' POV

I am laughing uncontrollably and I have no clue why... Nothing is funny, not in the slightest.

I sit staring at the counter in Zeke's kitchen when Chris and Shauna walk in. "Tris?" Shauna starts. "Everyone has gone home. We, Chris and I are going to see if you can relax a little... Anything in particular that you want to do?" She finishes as Chris cleans up the tea I spilt on the floor.

I feel as if I have no control over my body as the answer to her question rolls off my tongue. "Follow me." I grin and run out the door not knowing my destination.

My legs carry me at full speed into the Pit. I finally stop running and find myself in front of a clothes store. Why on earth do I want to go shopping?

Chris and Shauna run up behind me panting. "I may need some fashion advice..." I trail off and enter the store the two girls following closely behind. "I need stilettos and a dress." I mumble searching through racks of clothes. Both girls look confused before shrugging and dragging me to different sections of the shop, piecing together an outfit.

They hand me a pair of black heels and a long sleeved dress that ends just below my knees. "Hmm, not quite." I tap my chin in deep thought. "I was thinking more strapless and this length." I finish gesturing just bellow my but. Not so 'Stiff' anymore Tris, I think to myself as they sigh and walk off to find more clothes.

In the end they eventually found a suitable dress. Granted not strapless but it was perfect. The sleeves were three quarter length with a plunging neckline, whereas the back was extremely low and started at the small of my back and finally the skirt section ended a mere two inches after my but. The stilettos made my short legs look a lot longer than they actually are so that was a plus. Perfect.

Once the outfit was bought I changed into my new clothes and started to strut, yes strut, the great Tris Prior is strutting towards her next destination. The hair salon.

I walked over to a station with Shauna and Chris running after me. Scissors. I need scissors. Found them! I pick up my ponytail and in one swift motion cut it off. "Fix this." I instruct a hairdresser and point to the short mess of hair remaining on my head.

As I sit down in the chair I can see Cristina and Shauna staring at me shocked at my sudden urge to shop and get my hair done. Have they not figured it out yet?

I have a plan.

I wiggle my eyebrows at them through my reflection. Immediately they relax and stop questioning me with their eyes.

If only they knew the whole plan.

When the neon green haired woman is done I am left with a cute but messy pixie cut. Thankfully she did not change the colour so it is still its natural blond. I thank the woman before gesturing for Shauna and Chrissy to follow. "Ready to have fun?"






Eight shots ago we arrived at the bar. I have never been drunk before but to be honest I have no clue why... I feel amazing! Not happy, but care free. Nothing matters.

"Tris it's time to stop let's go now." Chrissy whines ripping number nine from my hands. How rude. Just because she is boring and wont drink doesn't mean she should stop me.

"Fine." I moan. "But one thing first." I plead and she lets go of my wrist. Now or never... I stand up on the bar and scream to get everyone's attention. "Listen up!" Everyone sober enough to hear turns my way. "My boring friends think it is time to go home now..." I trail off and pout. "Who agrees?" The crowd of semi drunk dauntless burst into rounds of 'Boo's and 'No's. "See Chrissy, Shauna! We have to stay." They sigh and sit back down taking a seat at the bar I am currently stood on.

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