Chapter 16

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Tris' POV

I'm not sure how long I've been at the bar but the crowd is starting to clear so it must be late, or extremely early in the morning. Is it already the next day?

The whole night has been filled with drinking, dancing and might I add... a little bit of kissing. Fine, it was a full on make out session.

Chris, Zeke and Shauna left ages ago saying that I was no fun drunk, I think Eric may disagree though because he is the only one still here. Oh well, I am still having the best night of my life!

"Everyone get your drunk asses out of my bar!" A fairly young woman shouts whilst turning off the music. "I suggest you all get yourselves coffee and a few hours sleep before the sun come up!" With that everyone starts to clear.

I walk through the near empty pit with Eric for a while in a comfortable silence. He holds me close at the hip and I adore the feeling of protection that spreads through that simple gesture.

Unfortunately my little fantasy moment is ruined when I trip and almost fall flat on my face. Stupid shoes.

Luckily Eric manages to grab my arm right before I actually smash into the concrete floor of the pit and pulls me back up to standing. "Thanks." I say removing the shoes and shrinking six inches. Great, now I have to look up just to look him in the eye.

"No problem, I'd catch you anytime." He smirks and takes the shoes from my hands. "How do you girls even walk in these?" He questions examining them.

"Well as you just witnessed, with great difficulty." I answer his question causing us both to laugh.  

"If it's any consolation, I think you look cuter short." He smiles and I feel my cheeks heat up as I start to blush. I look down at the floor trying to hide my face but he pulls my chin up gently and we start to kiss.

"Yes please." And with that we start to walk of towards his apartment, his large hand resting on the exposed skin at the small of my back.


I wake up with a throbbing headache... this must be the massive downside of getting drunk that everyone has warned me about. Wait, where am I?

I look around and slowly recognise the room that I have only been in once before, Eric's bedroom. What happened last night? I slowly get up and start to tiptoe out of the apartment to be greeted by a sleeping Eric sprawled out on the couch. Time to go, I think to myself.

But where do I go? Four will freak out if he sees me like this and especially because I wasn't home last night... What will he think?

Christa's. That is the only place I can go. It takes a few minutes to get there and I receive a few strange looks and wolf whistles as I make my way though the corridors. Finally at her apartment I knock on the door tentatively.

"It is seven o'clock in the morning who the hell are you and what do you want!?" I hear an annoyed Chris shout through the door.

"Chrissy? It's me Tris..." But I am cut off by the door being flung open and then getting dragged into Chris' home.

"What happened? Why are you here? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" She bombards me with questions before letting me explain.

"I'm fine Chris it's just, I didn't go home last night so if Four asks can you say I came here?" I plead.

She looks pissed off at first but the nods her head in agreement. "Fine, but you need to shower and I am lending you clothes."

"Thank you so much Chrissy!" I hug her and the anger written on her face fades.

"Go shower, I'll get you something to wear." She motions to the direction of her bathroom and sits down on the couch. "I'm still not happy about lying to Four though.Where did you sleep if you didn't go home last night?"

I freeze in my tracks before answering with my back to her. "Eric's." I cringe and run into the bathroom before she kills me.

"Eric's? I told him to stay away from you when your drunk!" She shouts from the couch.

"It's fine, he slept on the couch anyway."

I hear her groan at my response but whatever she may have said is cut of by the sound of running water.

When I am done I find a soft towel and wrap it round me before stepping out the bathroom."Oh Tris I put some clothes out on my bed for you." Chris shouts from the kitchen. "When you're done I made pancakes!" She squeals.

When I'm changed I am wearing a pair of black leggings and a lace kimono over a tank top. Chris may be addicted to eccentric looks but at least she is nice enough to know when you just want to wear something comfortable.

"Hurry up or it will get cold!" She shouts.

"Yes mom." I retort and walk in to the kitchen.

"There are blueberries, maple syrup and bacon on the counter if you want any." Christina says handing me a plate of pancakes and a large mug of coffee.

"Thank you Chrissy." I say grabbing a few of the sweet berries.

"Don't worry, it's a special occasion. You finally got drunk! You are no longer a 'Stiff', and this is my favourite hang over food." She shrugs and sits down at the breakfast bar with me. "Soo, are you gonna tell Four about what happened last night?"

"Honestly Chris, I don't remember what happened last night." I explain and her jaw drops wide open.

"Let me paint you a picture..." She starts skewering a piece of bacon and biting into it. "You decided to go shopping and insisted that Shauna and I find you a suitable dress, after that you destroyed your hair and practically ordered the poor woman to fix it for you." I try to stifle a laugh but she glares at me telling me to shut up. "Then you dragged us to the bar, took shots, called me and Shauna boring for trying to stop you from dancing on top of the bar which by the way didn't work, Four turned up with Zeke, Four left after you ran off to dance with Eric and to top it all off... you made out with Eric until we got fed up of the drunk Tris and left." I cringe at the idea of me doing anything like that and making my friends feel that way.

"Really?" I ask hoping it's not true.

"Yep, and according to your story you and Eric stayed a lot longer than any of us." We continue to eat in silence letting the realisation of last night sink in.

"You ready to go to Zeke's then?" Chris asks clearing away the plates.

I sigh before answering. I am going to have to see both Four and Eric. What am I going to do? "Yeah."


Hello! The next few chapters are going to all be set on the last day of truth or dare but the day will be more detailed with way more drama and complications. As always, I don't own Divergent or any of it's characters.

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