Chapter 14

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Zeke's POV

We sit at the lunch table for ages, Tris is being a pain and refusing to eat. I get that her brother died and all but refusing to eat is not going to make it better. Four tries everything to get her food but she refuses, Tris can be extremely stubborn at times. Eventually she gives in to Dauntless Cake... I told you that cake can fix anything!

I feel something kick my shin and I wince a little. Tris gives me an apologetic look and I wonder why. Did she kick me? I look under the table and see her playing footsie with Eric who is sat to my left. I hope for my friends sake that they are just being stupid. Apparently Four hasn't noticed because he just continues talking to Will and Uriah.

I see Four stand up to go throw his plate away and I grab his arm before he passes. I don't say anything I just tilt my head motioning for him to look under the table. His jaw clenches and he walks off.

When he eventually returns Four kisses Tris' temple quickly breaking her from her daze. "Should we go back and continue?" He turns to everyone.

That is followed by rounds of 'yeah' and 'sure' as everyone gets up to go. I trail behind everyone thinking about what I saw with Tris and Eric... This week has been eventful and everything has involved those three. But then my thoughts trail off to cake. Hmm cake...

"Open the door idiot." Shauna says whilst smacking me round the back of the head. Abusive girlfriend much. I think. "You know you love me though." She says taking the keys out my hands and opening the door.

"Will Candor or Dauntless?" I ask wandering over to join the circle.

"Candor" He replies.

"Pansycake!" Uriah screams at the top of his lungs. Amazingly all the girls are able to simultaneously throw pillows at him knocking him off the couch.

"Says the guy with pink hair." I point out and he frowns at me. "How many girls have you dated before our beloved Chrissy?" I ask and he starts to take off his shirt.

"That many?" Chris snaps at him crossing her arms over her chest.

"No! Um... It doesn't matter because I am only engaged to one of them." He explains.

"Who?" She all but shouts in his face.

"You remember." Will rolls his eyes and holds Chris' left hand waving it in her face.

"Oh, oh yeah." She blushes and everyone bursts out laughing. I say everyone what I mean is everyone but Tris. She needs to relax. She says she's fine but all day she ha been so... So, grumpy.

Chris and Will decide that this is the perfect time to start eating each others faces so Lynn makes fake gagging noises. Eventually they stop after realising we have all been sat in the worlds most awkward silence for what feels like ages. "Why don't you leave the imaginary baby making for another time." Lynn smirks sarcastically causing Christina to turn around and flip her off.

Tobias' POV

It can't help but think about what Zeke pointed out at lunch... I shouldn't be worried because all they were doing was messing around with their feet. I can't mean anything. Could it? But I feel hurt realising that Tris was more interested in Eric's feet than she was about talking to me, or anyone for that matter.She basically ignored everyone the whole time we were there.

I gently pull on her elbow as I stand. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" She nods and follows me outside.

"I don't want to sound to protective or anything because this is your life and your brother was just ripped out of it but are you sure you are fine?" I try to sound as gentle as possible. I stare at Tris' emotionless face until she looks confused, offended and sad at the same time. Oh no, not good.

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