Chapter 6

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Tris' POV

It as been a day and a half since Zeke started his week long Candor or Dauntless. Honestly, I am amazed that we aren't bored silly by now. I guess it helps that all of Uriah's dare are so ridiculous that there is a 15 minute laughing fit break before and after each one. His mind is messed up... Who would think to dare someone to walk around the pit on their hands, in a pink tutu whilst singing their ABCs.

"Tris? Tris!" Someone shouts at me.

"What!?" Oops I think I might have zoned out for a while. Anyway, that someone that was shouting at me was the one and only Uriah.

"Candor or Dauntless?" Oh right, that is why he was shouting at me. "Eh! Too late! I dare you..." He starts with a menacing grin.

"No, I did not say Dauntless." I try to argue my way out of whatever stupid dare he has come up with this time.

"Technically you did not say anything sooo you I chose for you..." I just stare at him with my arms crossed over my chest. "Go steal a pair of Eric's boxers." Uriah says trying to sound serious but failing miserably.

Right now I want to get up and punch Uriah but instead I bite my tongue and think of what to do. Earlier everyone was either asking me what my worst fear is or Fours real name so now I am sat in just my bra and leggings, I don't particularly want to take my leggings off just yet because I might need them latter. "Fine." I moan as I get up to leave. "But I want to put my top back on before I go and why does everything have to do with Eric?"

"Fair play." Uriah sighs as he gets up.

"What are you doing?" I as him.

"Making sure you don't just go buy a pair of boxers and claim they are his." He smirks and holds the door for me all gentleman like. If only he was gentleman enough to not make me do such an awkward dare with someone that has already caused enough drama. He is still smirking at me so I return the favour and flash him a sarcastic smile and stomp on his foot. "Ouch" He complains.

"Just be glad I wasn't wearing stilettos." I snarl before quickly making my way to Eric's apartment.

Tobias' POV

Well  that's just great. I hope for Tris' sake that Eric is not at home If Uriah had not gone with her she probably would have just gone at got someone else's, anyone else's for that matter. If only they didn't ask her all about her fears or my name she would have been able to forfeit.

I feel a rush of guilt when I realise that the reason Tris is stuck with this dare was because she kept my secret, my stupid secret. I should be able to trust my friends right? But I don't want them to think I am some sort of kicked puppy because if they know my name, then they will definitely realise that Marcus was my dad. Well Uriah might take a bit longer since he is kind of slow compared to everyone else. I start to chuckle at my final thought and everyone starts to look at me questionably. "What?" I just shrug it off and they all return to their previous conversations.

Tris' POV

I stand outside Eric's door with Uriah hiding round the corner. What should I do? If I knock then I can see if he is home, then I could either sneak in or just ask and then explain why. Yeah that sounds like a good plan. "Hurry up Tris." Uriah taunts. Okay, three, two, one. I lightly knock on the door. After a few seconds I try again, still no answer. I guess he isn't in. Time for plan B.

I run my hand along the top of the door frame hoping that Eric is dumb enough to just leave a spare key 'hidden'. Yep I guess he is because I find one and start to unlock the door. As I turn the handle and start to open I see a figure standing on the other side. Oh no, this is not good. "Tris? What are you doing here?" I stand up straight and try to think of a reasonable answer as to why I am breaking in to one of the Dauntless leaders houses. But before I can Eric grabs my elbow, sits me on the couch and offers me a drink. A drink?

He walks through to the kitchen and I look around his living room. It is massive. Surprisingly it is also unusually cleaner than what I expected. He comes back with two mugs of coffee. "So can I ask why you were breaking into my house?" His tone of voice confuses me. Eric sounds as if it is a joke or an accident. I don't know what to say. "Did Four do something?" Here we go again with Eric the ruthless initiate trainer sounding all caring.

"Oh, no" Crap he jumped to the wrong conclusion. "No he didn't. I'm actually here because of a dare..." I try to explain but I just feel really awkward. Does he not realise he is sat in front of me without a shirt on.

"What, is this a problem Tris?" He says gesturing to his half naked self.

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Um, yeah and you are kind of staring." Eric says with an awkward laugh and I just burry my face in my hands. He stands up and goes into another room and returns buttoning up a black shirt leaving the top buttons and the collar slightly open. "Is this better?" He sits back down opposite me.

"Thank you." I say ever so quietly while looking back up at him through the hair that has fallen into my eyes.

"So what was this dare that landed you in my house?" He asks while gently brushing the loose strands out of my face and tucking them behind my ear.

"I had to get a..." How am I going to explain this? "pair of..." I feel my face go bright red as I finish. "your... boxers." He just sits there and laughs. I don't know what I expected him to do but at least he isn't pissed.

"Oh really and how did you plan on doing that?" Eric jokes as he takes a sip of coffee.

"I was just going to buy some but then Uriah followed me and is kind of waiting outside." I don't know why but I start to laugh along with him. This feels so natural yet awkward at the same time. Almost like meeting up with an old friend that you haven't seen in ages. Oh shut up Tris this is Eric you are talking about here. Oh great now I am having an argument with my own thoughts.

"Here, follow me." Eric stands and gestures me to follow. He places one of his large hands on the small of my back as leads me into what looks like his bed room. "Wait here." He quickly says whilst running into his closet. "Will these do" Eric shouts as he holds up a pair of his boxers and tosses them across the room to me. I flinch and they land on the floor. He laughs as he walks back over to me and picks them up off the floor. "Don't worry they're new." He smirks and hands them to me. I let out a sigh of relief that I did not know I was holding and we both start to laugh.

"Tris! Hurry up! You have been in there ages! How long does it take to find a pair of freakin boxers?!" Uriah shouts through the door.

"Um I think I should go." I say as I stop laughing.

"Yeah, you probably should." Eric sounds hurt almost sad and I fell sorry for him. Shut up Tris don't you remember how awful he was during initiation.

Eric guides me to the door and when he opens it I see Uriah stood there with his jaw open, starring at Eric. That's when I realise his hand is rested on my hip, holding me close by his side.

"Got them!" I say whilst chucking the boxers at Uriah's face and stepping out the door and out of Eric's hold. "Um thanks for the coffee, and well um not freaking out that I broke into your house and then um, well them." I end gesturing to his underwear lying on the floor at Uriah's feet.

"Anytime Stiff." He does a subtle wave and smiles at me before closing to door.

"Did I miss something?" Uriah says with a look of confusion plastered onto his face.

"Just remember that this was your dare!" I scowl at him before grabbing the boxers from the floor and practically marching back to Zeke's with Uriah trailing at my heels.


Hello you should know by now that I don't own Divergent so I won't spen too long on that. What did you think of this chapter? I know it was only one long dare but I had fun writing it. :)

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