Chapter 26- THE END part 1

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Tris' POV

When Zeke invited us to his party, no one thought it would last a whole week! But 7 days later, here we are. There is only one question left... "Tris, Candor or Dauntless?" Tobias says gently lifting me off his lap.

"Dauntless." I reply slightly confused as to why I am now standing.

He shuffles around on the floor for a few seconds until he is kneeling down in front of me. Oh. "I dare you to marry me." He smirks and pulls out a small velvet box.

"I, I, um. Are you sure?" What the hell? This is my princess moment and all I manage to say is 'are you sure?' someone please shoot me. I can't seem to stand still as my body weight shifts from foot to foot. What is happening to me? I look around the room at all my friends who are eagerly waiting for a reply, Christina even has her fingers crossed.

"Positive." Tobias says, still kneeling down with the small box in his hands.

"Just like the pregnancy test!" Uriah coughs out almost instantly.

"Shut it Uriah you are ruining the moment!" It is hard to tell who said that but when I look over my shoulder it is clear to see that Chris is standing over him with a pillow in hand. "Oops, sorry." She winces before sitting down again.

"Tris?" Tobias' voice sound hurt and I feel a pang of guilt surge through me. "Will you please marry me?" That does it; the tears flow as I nod my head slightly and pull him up to my height. "So, is that a yes?" He mumbles between kisses.


"I should be a freaking match maker... One party and two engagements, that's a new record!" Zeke cheers and starts to clap. "Although, Four planned his and actually asked me to throw the party, Will's was just a spur of the moment thing."

"You planned this?" I ask as Tobias gently slides the ring on my finger.

"All on my own." He smirks, kisses my hand and leads me back down to sitting.

"Hey doofus! Your the one that came to me for help planning this whole sha-bang. Not only is there no thank you cake but now you strip me of acknowledgement that this was my idea." Zeke ever so graciously points out and gestures round the room.

"Thank you Zeke." I say on the behalf on Tobias.

"Fine, I might not have planned it but I chose the ring by myself, do you like it?" He says and kisses the knuckles on my right hand one at a time. To be honest I haven't looked at the ring yet so  take his question as my cue.

On my left hand sits a beautifully thin black band with five tiny stones alternating in grey and blue. It's beautiful. "Dauntless, Erudite and Abnegation." He whispers softy into my neck. "Everything that I love about you."


Since the game officially ended at midnight, Tobias' proposal was the last question. Everyone sat and talked for a few hours after that until we all decided that it was time to head home.

"You know I said I wished I could forget about everything that has happened this week?" I ask as Tobias and I walk down the halls with our fingers intertwined and arms swinging gently.

"Yeah, why?" He answers in that heavenly, deep, hushed tone of his.

"I changed my mind... I don't want to forget about this." The sentence ends when we are outside our door; perfect place to start a make out
session, and that is exactly what we do.

My legs wrap around his waist and I am supported mid air by his large hands and my back that is pressed against the door. Without breaking the kiss I reach for the keys in his back pocket before clumsily fumbling to unlock the apartment.

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