Chapter 9

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Tris' POV

"Ouch" I wake up on the floor and my back is hurting. To my left I see Tobias stretched out on the couch drooling. Eww that's gross I think to myself. I must have fallen off while I was asleep because I definitely don't remember going to sleep on the floor. I write a quick note for everyone before going

home to shower and change.

That's better, clean clothes and no makeup. Just the way I like it.I decide to go to the cafeteria and grab food for everyone before  I head back to Zeke's, and well maybe a good old fashioned coffee for myself. I sigh at the thought of the bitter liquid. What? Don't judge, I am not a morning person.

What should I get? I think it is a bit early for cake so I grab a tray of muffins instead. As I leave a child runs into me at full speed making me loose my balance and start to fall. Before I throw the tray of food everywhere someone reaches out to grab me resulting in only three muffins escaping. "You okay?" I hear the man ask. I look up and immediately feel even more embarrassed.

"Uh, yeah um, thanks Eric." Why is he always there at the most awkward times. Granted he saved my life at the Chasm but every when else?

"Why do you have so much food?" He asks trying to hide a laugh.

"My peasants are hungry." I reply putting on a fake 'posh' voice and fixing my posture.  We both start to laugh at the stupid joke. I didn't know he was capable of being this immature.

"Oh I see..." He starts copying my fake accent. "and do these 'peasants' have names?"

"Actually they do, but unfortunately I don't have time to list all of them before they turn to cannibals and eat each other..." There, hopefully he gets the hint and goes away. "So I must go before it all turns to carnage." I am quite good at this whole 'posh' thing now that I think about it. "Bye Eric!" I shout back in my normal voice whilst walking away.

I replay the conversation in my head and giggle thinking about my friends being peasants but then return to reality hen I get to the 'cannibal' part because they probably would be that stupid. Loud footsteps snap me out of my daze and I realise that the person is running. "Tris!" I hear the pursuer shout so I stop and turn.

"Yes Eric?" I give him a questioning look. Why would he be chasing after me? I just spoke to him literally three minutes ago.

"Do you mind if I hang out with you and your 'peasants'... I mean I have nothing else to do today and if you are still playing that stupid game then..." He trails off into rambling whilst running his hand through his hair. He looks sort of awkward.

I nod and sigh 'fine' as a grin appears on his face. We continue to walk to Zeke's house and he rambles about something to do with his job that I am not really listening to. It is too early to talk about complicated subjects. I think he must realise because eventually he stops. "Sorry was I boring you with all that political stuff?" He asks his voice deep and hushed.

"It wasn't boring, more like confusing." I try to put it as nicely as possible but when you don't understand something then you lose interest fast and it becomes boring. We continue to walk in silence for the rest of the way until we get to the door. It is unlocked so I just walk in before shouting at the top of my lungs... "PEASANTS! I come bearing food!" I receive scowls and 'what the hell's from everyone as they awaken to the sound of my voice. "I brought breakfast." I say in a cheerful tone and everyone mobs me grabbing handfuls of muffins.

"I told you they are cannibals." I say to Eric and everyone stares wondering who I was talking to . Then they see Eric stood in the door frame and return to demolishing their food like rabid animals.


Zeke gave everyone 20 minutes to go get ready for today's session of Candor or Dauntless. At first Christina made a huge fuss about only having 20 minutes but the Will pointed out to her that the more time she wasted the less time she would have.

"I start!" I shout with my arm flying into the air. I look around the circle to choose my victim and my eyes land on Shauna. "Shauna, Candor or..."

"Dauntless!" She interrupts before I can finish.

"Wrong choice." I taunt and she gulps. "Go to the tattoo parlour and walk up to anyone, then you have to go to Tori and ask for whatever they are getting so that you match and can be together forever."

"Do I actually have to..." She starts but I already know the question so I grin and nod. "Then hell no!" She takes off her shirt revealing a tank top underneath.

I see her glare at me but then she turns to Four.

Tobias' POV

"Four C or D?" Shauna asks.

"Dauntless" I reply, she isn't very imaginative with the dares so I am not scared of her.

"Seven minutes, Tris, now." She states pointing to the spare room door. I shrug and stand up with Tris.

When the door closes she leans in and I think we are about to kiss but she put her index finger up to her lips and shushes me. I mouth 'what?' to her and she whispers in me ear. "Lets see what they think..." Before running over to the bed and starts jumping on it. I turn around locking the door and join her.

"Make noises." I whisper and she starts to moan in between giggles.

"Four! Tris!" We hear Zeke yell. "What the hell are you doing?" He starts to bang on the door and then Christina's voice joins him.

"Hey, Tris?! It's great you are getting over number seven but don't you think there is a better time for it?" She shouts joining in with trying to open the door.

"Four seven minutes are up! Get out now!" Zeke shouts.

"Aww, give us five more minutes then we will be done!" I shout back at him. I see Tris' face turn red as she tries not to laugh.

"I am breaking this door down! Make sure you're... decent!" He shouts and seconds later the door flies off it's hinges and all our friends are stood there staring at us standing on the bed.

"What's wrong? We were just jumping on the bed." Tris says whilst hopping down and pushing through everyone. I join her but Zeke punches me in the shoulder.

"Hey what was that for?" I pout pretending that it hurt.

"I thought I was going to have to sterilise the room!" He screams in my face. What the hell is wrong with him.

"Not my fault you have a dirty mind Zeke." I shrug as his face turns bright red and we go sit back in the circle. This is fun embarrassing Zeke. I just got an idea. "Zeke Candor or Dauntless?"

"Candor." He mumbles.

"What did you think Tris and I were just doing?" I ask completely innocently. "I mean you seemed to get pretty stressed out about it."

"I thought you two were you know..." I just look at him with fake confusion. "going at it." I continue to look at him pretending to figure it out. "Do you want me to actually say it?" I nod and he face palms. "Ithoughtyouwerehavingsex." His words come out all jumbled and everyone snickers.

"But why would you think that?" Tris and I say at the say time and Zeke starts to pout.

"Stop pouting you look like a three year old." Shauna says whilst smacking him round the back of the head.

"I'm not pouting, I'm brooding." He retorts. "It's how sexy men pout."


Thank you for reading and to everyone that has voted thank you so much! These are not my characters or setting.

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