Chapter 5

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Zeke's POV

Last night everyone stayed at my house so that we could continue round two of Candor or Dauntless. Obviously Christina and Tris aren't here due to yesterday's unfortunate outburst from Four. Speaking of which is he back yet? Last night he went to see if he could find Tris but it was late when he left and we
all went to bed.

I quietly get out of bed and walk round the apartment so I don't wake anyone yet. I say yet because I am trying to find my air horn so that when everyone does get up, they do it in style and with some sophistication. Found it! Three. Two. One. "Get your lazy asses up we have work to do!" I holler as the horn goes off. Everyone but Uriah is now awake and cursing under their breaths. "Oh Uri... Get. Up.
NOW!" I scream in his ear.

"Five more minutes mom, it's not a school day." He mumbles while swatting me away. Everyone just stares at him trying to figure out how he is still asleep then we all burst out laughing. "Zeke leave me alone I need my beauty sleep!" Uriah shouts.

"Uriah get your ugly ass out of bed please." Marlene whispers in his ear. Too our amazement he actually does.

"What are you all doing here." He yawns and scratches his head.

"They are here for C or D." Marlene explains to him like she is talking to a baby. He just nods and starts to count everyone in the room.

"Um where are Four, Chris and Tris?" Does this idiot, called my brother not remember anything? A look of sudden realisation smacks him in the face and he jumps up and starts to babble incomprehensible nonsense. "Are we going to go find them then? Oh and I am hungry can we stop at the cafeteria... Please?"

Tris' POV

"Chris it will be fine, I need to talk to him anyway." I say as Chris and I get ready to join the gang for the second round of Candor or Dauntless. I know she is just trying to look out for me by offering to stay here instead, but the truth is I need to talk to Four some when and the sooner the better right?

As we step out the door I see Four asleep in the hallway. "Was here there all night?" Chris asks. I just shrug my shoulders and try to wake him up.

"Four, Four it's Tris. Wake up." I crouch down so I am eye level with him. His eyelids flutter as he starts to sit up. "Good morning" I whisper and plant a kiss on his forehead.

"Morning" He smiles back at me. Tobias just stares and smiles at me for a while before looking around and realising where he is. "God, Tris I am so sorry about yesterday" He strokes my jaw and even though the bruise has gone down it still hurts and little and I wince at his touch. He bites his lip and sighs before standing up.

"We are going back to Zeke's to continue the game, want to come?" I offer him my hand and he gladly accepts. We walk to Zeke's in comfortable silence with our fingers intertwined.

All is peaceful until we run into Eric.

"Tris! What happened to your face?" This is the first time I have ever seen Eric sound so concerned.

"She tripped and fell." Chris says sarcastically while grabbing my arm to make sure we continue walking.

Tobias froze in his tracks the second Eric mentioned my face. I hope he does not realise. "Did you do this?" Too late for not noticing. Eric is glaring at Tobias while pointing at me.

"Come on Four let's go..." I say while tugging his arm gently.

As we walk off I hear Eric say something so unlike him that is makes my blood run cold. "I would never hurt you like he did Tris."

"He did not do it on purpose!" I snap at him.

"Yet it still happened." He strokes my cheek and walks off. His calm voice sends a chill through my spine.


We bumped into everyone whilst passing through the cafeteria. After eating we all returned to Zeke's to finally continue the game.

Tobias' POV

When we were all sat in a circle in Zeke's living room I put my arm around Tris' shoulders but she shrugged it off, that's not like her, she has never done that before. "What's wrong?" I ask. She forces a smile that does not reach her eyes and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Sorry... It's just..." But she trails off. "It doesn't matter." She nuzzles her head into my shoulder and starts to giggle.

"What's that about?" Confusion lingering in my words.

"Nothing" Tris sings like a little school girl... a little school girl who is apparently not afraid to have a full on make out session with her idiot boyfriend the day after he punched her in the face.

"I love you, you know that right?" I say imitating her from yesterday.


"Um excuse me, some of us are trying not to throw up our breakfasts." Al interrupts. Both Tris and I hold up our hands in mock defeat.

"I believe it was my go so Al, Candor or Dauntless?" Tris says while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Dauntless, I am one right." But he sounds unsure of his answer, he did only just get into Dauntless in the end. Al ranked last so he works at the gate, he says he enjoys it though because he gets to be outside in the fresh air all day.

"I dare you to..." She stops and thinks for a while. "Let Christina design your outfits for the next month!"

"Yes!" An inhumanly high pitch squeal comes from across the circle and everyone turns to Chris. "What?" She acts offended.

"Um how about no!" And Al takes off his jacket. At least he had a shirt on underneath, I know that is the point of the game but since everyone else is still fully clothed it would be weird.
"Will, Candor or Dauntless?" Al turns to Will who was having a conversation with Chris.

"Dauntless" He replies, not actually paying attention to Al, or anyone but Christina for that matter.

"Christina has to sit on your lap for the rest of today." His unoriginal and quite frankly boring dare is stated in a tone that should only be reserved for exciting dares. Did I mention that I still don't like Al and everything he does annoys me.

"Okay" He shrugs and Christina hops on his lap. "Hey! Be carful what you sit on, I need that." Everyone starts to laugh and Christina turns the colour of a tomato. And then you have Will... He literally face palmed and is sat there looking very, very awkward.


Hello! Thank you for reading, yay not so much drama as the last chapter :) Oh and guess what... I don't own Divergent because Veronica Roth does.

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