Chapter 21

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Eric's POV

Once again we are walking back to Zeke's house only this time I decided to stop at the cafeteria with Tris to get her a coffee since she looks exhausted and some pizzas to go for everyone back at the apartment.

After I have paid and now have 4 pizza boxes and a to-go coffee cup balanced atop the stack we continue to make our way back to the group of lunatics she calls friends and Peter who just tags along sometimes. "Here caffeine will help." I smile and hand her to cup. Her hands are tiny and sickly pale. It is clear to see that she has to force a smile when she accepts the drink because it does not reach her eyes. "Here, sugar." I say tearing open a small sachet with my teeth.

"Well you are awfully upfront aren't you." She jokes taking the packet from my teeth. I observe as she dumps it in and gently swirls the contents of the cup before taking a sip. "Ah! Hot!" She mumbles her tongue dangling slightly from her mouth. I decide to mimic her from earlier to lighten the mood.

"Well thank you Tris, not many people compliment me on my dashingly good looks, but I must say... You are awfully upfront aren't you." This earns me a half hearted glare followed up with a sarcastic smile.

"Touche." She says and blows on the coffee trying to cool it down before taking another sip.

Her reaction to the heat of the drink gives me and idea as to how to help pin emotions to events. "So... Why did you suddenly blurt out that I was hot?"

"The drink was hot." She says in a monotonous voice as if it was obvious.

"What did the drink do?" I continue to pry.

"It burnt my tongue." She says with an edge to her tone that signals she is confused.

"Did it hurt?"

"What do you think smart ass." She raises her eyebrows at me and stops walking.

"Did it hurt?" I repeat, demanding an answer.

"Yes, but what is the point in all these questions?" She says bringing the drink back up to her lips.

"How did the pain make you feel?" The last question makes the expression on her face change
completely almost as if she had a 'light bulb moment'.

"Annoyed!" She squeals clearly realising what just happened. "I felt annoyed! Not just in general but because I burnt my tongue!" I watch as the excitement fills her eyes and a large grin plasters on her face.

"What do you feel now?" I ask hoping she realises that right now she is happy.

"I feel ecstatic, happy, spectacular!" She blurts out. I nod my head silently asking for her to explain, which she does. "I managed to match an emotion to an event, so I am happy that I am making progress."

"Congratulation." I smirk. She stands there with the biggest smile I have ever seen plastered on her face as her eyes dance around the pit.

"Eric, you are a freaking genius!" Tris almost shouts after quite a while of silence. Obviously the compliment is great so I start to grin bigger but I then remember that the food is probably going cold.

"Come on, we need to get back to Zeke's." I says as we start to walk down the corridors again. "So do you feel better then?" I ask hopeful that she does but also just trying to make small talk.

"Yeah, I am kind of remembering how I feel about people now. For example I know that Peter is a dick because he tried to kill me, Christina is super friendly but sometimes annoying, Uriah is hilarious and Four is the worst boyfriend ever." She shrugs and begins to skip.

Crap. Four is going to think I made her hate him, time to fix this mess... Or at least try.

"So um, why are you skipping?" I ask gently jogging to catch up to her.

"Because it's fun and makes me feel happy." She sings as her arms swing by her sides.

"Do you know who else makes you happy?" I ask as she suddenly stops and turns to face me.

"You." She smiles and begins to skip again. For someone who is currently not wearing shoes, Tris is incredibly shore footed.

Oops, not the answer I was quite hoping for but it still makes me feel amazing inside. "Yeah, well, no, but..." I ramble a little bit slightly embarrassed yet over the moon she said I make her happy. "Your boyfriend, Four makes you happy..." I trail off unsure of how to finish.

"Oh, so the boy who is incredibly overprotective, thought that I was cheating on him because I talked to someone and punched me in the jaw makes me 'happy'?" She questions and her nostrils flare. What have I done?

"Tris, that is the only things he's ever done to you..." I am about to say more but she cuts me off.

"He made me feel weak and vulnerable during initiation, he threw knives at me and he is in my fear landscape." I don't know how to answer so I just take my cue to shut up and continue walking back to Zeke's... Well technically I am walking whilst Tris continues to dance like she is on Peace Serum.


"We brought food!" I anounce as we finaly get to Zeke's.

"You know..." Uriah trails off. "We should send Eric and Tris out together more often because they always return bearing food." He says runing up and grabing one of the four pizza boxes from my arms. This earns him glares from everyone but Four looks ready to kill him. "Chill out guys, it was a joke." He says with a mouthfull of pizza.

"Pig." Marlene scoffs taking the box from him.

"I'm your pig though." He smirks

"Not for long if you keep talking with food in your mouth and spitting it everywhere." Marlene snaps in his face before pasing the box around to as many people as posible.

"Uriah, would you like some ice for that burn?" Lynn says taking the final piece from the first box.

"You're actually supposed to run cold water on a burn not ice." Will and I say at the same time. Creepy.

"Shut up Erudites!" Everyone says simultaneously. Note to self... don't make sly remarks if you want to keep your job as a Dauntless leader.

"I still don't get how you could have been Erudite." Christina starts. I send her a death glare before she continues, which she ignores. "You are way to dumb to have been Erudite." She ends tilting her head to the side as if examining me.

"Why do you think I left, Candor?" I reply and go sit down, placing the remaining three boxes in the centre of the circle before taking a piece for myself.

"Peter it's your go." Shauna says grabbing another slice of pizza.


Hello! A whole chapter in Eric's POV? I know crazy! BUT I wanted to change it up a bit and show you his thought process. Apparently even the big, bad Eric is a Fourtris shipper, or is it just because he can't be bothered to have Four rip his head off?

As always, I don't own Divergent or any of its character or setting... so yeah.

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