Chapter 23

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Tobias' POV

"Shut up Tobias!" My name echoes through the room as Tris promptly leaves. I look around at the small crowd of people I call friends as they stare at me in confusion. They now know my name.

"Are you stupid or something?" Eric says from where he is sat atop the table. "If you want to keep your girlfriend then I suggest you try to fix this problem instead of leaving it to me every time." He says striding over to me and ripping the remaining knives from my hands. "You must be incredibly stupid or actually blind to have not been able to tell she hated every second of that." It comes out in a low hiss as his eyebrows draw together when he glares. "Now go fix this before I have to." With his final words, Eric begins to lock the knives away and gathers together  any strays that are lying around the training room.
No one has moved from their positions apart from Eric since Tris left. "Get a move on doofus before she tries to throw herself off the chasm again!" He bellows. Again? Has she tried to do that before or is it a sick and twisted joke?

My legs carry me at full speed through the corridors of Dauntless. Honestly, I have no clue where she would have gone... Does that make me an even crappier boyfriend than I already am?It feels like hours have passed by the time I have checked and double checked everywhere I think she would have gone, twice. But that's when it hits me. I need to go somewhere she would never normally go.

The Fear Landscape room.

I arrive at my destination within a minute and as I suspected, Tris is standing by the small computer monitor. "Tris." I gently call and walk over to her. She is crouching over the keyboard and is constantly shaking her head. "Tris, what's wrong? I'm really, really sorry Tris, I didn't realise you would react that way to the knives."

"It's not that Tobias." She says slowly looking up at me. "Well, it is but in a bigger picture." She tries to explain but now I am just really confused. She waves her arm to usher me over to the small monitor. "Remember when I went into the simulation with you and Peter?" She starts to explain as I scan the screen looking for an answer. "Number six was missing, someone manually overrode the system so that it wouldn't load." I don't understand where this story is going but I slowly start to piece together the pieces. "I'm still scared of you... I came here to go through it again to see if it was still gone but it loaded and I had to deal with the fear. I came here to prove to myself that I am not scared of you but it didn't work, the only thing that changed is now I have another reason to be afraid." She mumbles the last part into the sleeve on her shirt trying to stifle more sobs.

"Oh Tris, you know I would never do that to you." I try to comfort her and gently wrap the frantic girl in a hug but she pushes off of me and falls to the floor from where she was perched on the desk.

"Get. Away. From. Me." She says and slowly stands.

"Tris please just let me..." But she cuts me off with more frantic speech.

"No, don't you get it? I Love you Tobias but I have no clue why and it scares the living daylights out of me." She runs a hand through her short hair as tears stain her cheeks.

"Beatrice Prior..." I gently offer my hand for her to take it and she flinches away slightly before accepting.

Tris' POV

"Beatrice Prior, I love you more than anything and every single thing I have ever done to make you upset or angry kills me." Then he gently pulls me closer and touches his lips to mine. Their gentle pressure erases all the negativity, and I am the girl who sat on the rocks next to the chasm, with the river spray on her ankles, and kissed him for the first time.

Almost too soon Tobias pulls away and the gap between us feels as large as a canyon. "Should we go back to the others?" He offers slightly tilting his head to one side.

I don't say anything, instead I answer with a quick nod before attempting to dry my face and slowly make our way back to Zeke's. We walk with our fingers intertwined, talking quietly about the events of the past few days.


"Chug! Chug! Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug!" Everyone cheers as Uriah downs the last of whatever vile concoction Lynn has blended up for him.

"I think I'm gonna puke." He splutters before throwing up his guts on to the living room floor of his brother's house.

"I am not cleaning that up." Shauna states pointing to the putrid green blob on the floor. "Zeke, he is your brother so that is your responsibility."

"Not fair! I think Lynn should do it since she made him drink it." He retorts throwing an empty bucket and cloth in Lynn's direction.

"I didn't make him barf, he did that all by himself! Uriah clean your own mess up." Lynn says and throws the bucket on to his head.

Uriah is still hunched over and can't see due to the bucket on his head so just slowly lifts his arm and gives a quick thumbs up. Picture time. I whip out my phone and snap a quick picture of Uriah pant less, wearing a bucket on his head, standing over a pile of green goop and with his thumbs up. "Say cheese!" I shout just as the flash goes off and he flicks me off.

Everyone just sits and observes as Uriah cleans up his own vomit off the floor before we continue the game.

"Tris, Candor or Dauntless?" Uriah says, finaly sitting down.

"Dauntless." I am still fully clothed so it is fine.

"Sit on Four's lap for the rest of the game." He sighs and his expresion looks bored. Before I can do anything a strong pair of arms was wrapped around my waist and is pulling me to the side. I shift my weight slightly to see that Tobias has already pulled my on to his lap.

"Why do I have a feeling that you had something to do with this dare?" I ask with the sarcasm crystal clear.

"I don't know." He shrugs and plants a kiss on the tip of my nose.


Hello! This is important so please read... I need your help with making a decision, do you want a sequel or not since this book will end soon anyway? I need to know whether or not to make a sequel so that I can decide the ending, I already have the ideas I just need to know which to use. If I do make a sequel then it will be called 'Candor or Dauntless- 7 Days Later' Please comment your opinion!

As always, I do not own Divergent or any of it's characters.

I am going to see Insurgent today! Yipee!

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