Chapter 3

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Tris' POV

"Ok my go!" I shout hopping it will calm the commotion. It doesn't work though.

"You actually thought that my girlfriend would propose to you?!" Tobias bellows while he punches Eric.                                                                

"You don't own her!" He fights back.

I don't see why girls are so obsessed with boys fighting over them, quite frankly it is really annoying. "Why would she even like you Eric?" This fight is getting stupid.

"I don't know, maybe she had a stroke." Eric says while stuck in a head lock. "Am I really that unlikable?" Please Tobias don't answer that, it will only get worse.

"YES!" Everyone but Peter and I shout.

I mentally face palm and take a deep breath. Ok Tris, time to end this thing. "Stop it both of you!" Great they ignored me. Lets try this one more time. "Stop it NOW!" I step in between them and immediately get a fist in the temple. Everything starts to go black and I feel a pair of large hands support my shoulders to brace my fall.

Tobias' POV

"What the hell did you do Eric?!" I stand there holding my blood nose as he supports an unconscious Tris.

"Will someone get her to the infirmary then?" An annoyed Christina shouts. Eric starts to pick Tris up bridal style but I take her off him and start to run to the infirmary.


Tris' POV

I have a throbbing headache and can hear two people talking. I slowly open my eyes and am greeted by two familiar faces, Chris and Tobias.

"Hey" She says in a calm soothing voice.

"What happened?" I ask because last I remember was Eric and Tobias fighting.

"You got in the way of their stupid fight and Eric accidentally punched you. It was soo funny, he was mortified!" Chris explains in an all too cheery tone. I look over and see Tobias with his head in his hands.

"How long was I out for?" This time he answers.

"About two hours, Tris I am sorry it's just..." He trails off. "I got jealous." Aww he was worried I would leave him.

"Tobias, you have no reason to be, I love you, you know that right?" He doesn't answer, instead in one swift movement he drags me into a warm hug. "Can we go now?" I ask.

"Yeah." He answers into my hair.

As we walk back to the apartment Christina goes on about how romantic it was when Eric and Tobias were fighting over me, but Tobias just laughs and rolls his eyes. Honestly I still can't believe that Eric likes me. I always thought that we had a mutual hatred for each other.

As we open the door to Zeke's apartment I am mobbed by my friends. When I have said 'I'm fine' over seven times we finally go sit down to continue the game. I look over at Eric, who is sat between Shauna and Will staring at the floor.

"Zeke, Candor or Dauntless?" I ask him.

"Candor, I think we have had enough excitement already this evening." He replies.

"cough chough- Pansycake!" Uriah not so discreetly shouts before receiving a death glare from everyone.

"What is your biggest fear?"

"Come on Tris!" He whines. I just wiggle my eyebrows at him. "Fine... it's clowns." He whispers. Everyone starts laughing and he tells everyone to shut up.

We chat for a while when Uriah, Mar and Peter go to the cafeteria to get food for everyone. It turns out that Eric is kind of interesting once you get to know him. He transfered from Erudite and came second in his initiation.

When they get back with the food it turns out that they only got Dauntless Cake thanks to Uriah's 'influence' or more commonly known as 'I won't help carry anything unless it is cake'. I swear that Uriah and Tobias are addicted to cake since they managed to eat a whole one between them in six minutes flat.

"You have cake all over your face" I say whilst nudging Tobias lightly.

"Do I?" He asks his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Yep" I pop the 'P' and he leans in to kiss me wiping cake all over my face.

"Hey! Not cool, you just ruined her makeup which FYI took me ages to do." Chris interrupts, handing me a napkin.

Zeke's POV

It's my go to ask and I know exactly what I want to do. "Eric! Candor or Dauntless?" I say as my master plan takes place.

"Dauntless" He scoffs.

"Kiss anyone you would go out with." I say. The room goes silent as Tris, Four and Eric glare at me. I just sit there smiling, knowing who he will pick. Eric looks at Tris as if asking permission for what to do next. I see her nod and they get up and go to the middle of the circle. Four looks like he is about to kill me when Eric takes Tris' hand and they start to kiss. Everyone's jaws drop when five seconds later they still haven't stopped. Four clears his throat and they break apart.

They just stand there.

"I'm sorry" Eric whispers before quickly leaving. Tris goes back to sit next to Four again but he ignores her and keeps glaring at me.

Oops. I should have probably thought more about that dare. Oh well the past is in the past, let it go dude. Damn I love that movie.


Hello! What did you think of this part? Thank you for reading again and as always I don't own the characters or the factions idea.

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