Chapter 24

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Eric's POV

Everyone cheered as Four and Tris' gentle peck on the nose turned into it's own little make out session. Everything is back to normal. I decide that now is probably a good time to leave since I don't particularly want to watch Tris suck some other man's face off so I gather my things and stand. "I should be going now, thanks for letting me hang out with you bunch of weirdos for the past few days, it was fun." I flash a slight smile before leaving out the door. The echoes of various forms of goodbyes roll down the corridor as I walk away.

Time to go back to the 'good old days' where Eric stomps around, cares about no one, fantasises alternative universes where Four is dead and Tris loves him, plots ways to kill Four, takes care of random Dauntless crap and talks about himself to himself in the third person. If you think of it that way, my life sounds pretty pathetic.

"Hey Eric!" A tall blonde girl runs up from behind me and wraps her arms round my neck.

"Hello, Megan." I say and gently pry her arms off me. Well doesn't this day just get better and better! Now I have to explain where I have been the whole week to my girlfriend and hopefully avoid getting punched in the face.

Now or never. "Listen Megan, this is over." She just stands there looking confused. "I don't like you anymore and well to be honest haven't liked you for quite a while actually. I find you annoying, crazy clingy and clueless." She stands there for a moment looking as if she is trying desperately to remember something but everyone in Dauntless knows that she is so dumb it's dangerous.

"Wait... does this have something to do with that Stiff transfer from this year?" Her eyebrows furrow and her jaw hangs open slightly, making her look like a fish. "You know the one you never shut up about?" I nod my head once hoping that she takes it as her cue to leave but it doesn't work. "What's her name? Tris? But she has a boyfriend"

"I know." I say flatly.

"But you were making out with her at the bar the other night." I mentally face palm at her comment.

"Congratulations Sherlock." I sigh and begin to walk away but at the last second change my mind.
"Wait... were you there?"

"Yeah. Oh and by the way, I might have slept with that Peter guy, I hope you don't mind." You would expect someone to say that with every word soaked in sarcasm and hatred but Megan manages to say the most awkward grouping of words like it is just a normal conversation before she smiles, shrugs and begins walking off. "Bye Eric!" She calls out. "Oh and make sure to call dibs on Tris if she ever breaks up with Four, you two would be cute together"

I stand there processing the conversation I just had for what feels like ages before finally heading home. Girls are confusing... I think I need a beer...

Tris' POV

"I love you, so much." Tobias mumbles against my lips. I have completely blocked out all the absurd noises that the crowd around us are making and I focus only on him.

"I love you more." I smile as his teeth gently pull on my lip.

"Impossible." He says and his large hands run through my short hair and wrap round my waist.

"We are all still sat here you know." This spectacular moment is broken by the sound of Peter's voice. Tobias and I slowly pull apart and when we are no longer sharing the same air, Tobias' fist makes contact with Peter's face.

"Peter, Candor or Dauntless?" I say already planing something.

"Dauntless." He replies rubbing the bridge of his nose. Perfect.

"I dare you to leave." This causes everyone to cheer, clap and in true Dauntless fashion; stomp their feet in approval.

"I was about to go anyway." He sneers and slams the door behind him.

"Now where were we?" I turn back round to face Tobias and stroke his chin, pulling his lips closer to my own.

His hands find their way to rest on my hip bones as my own curl round his neck as my fingers tangle in his hair. "I love you." He breaths out between kisses.

"I love you two."

"I love you three."

"I love you four."

"I know." He laughs lightly.

"Hey!" I pull away and lightly slap his chest. "You did that on purpose!" He just smirks in satisfaction, blissfully unaware that everyone is questioning us with their eyes.

"Now all that lovey, dove stuff is out of the way... can we continue the game?" Lynn says, clearly needing a change of scenery. "Can I go since Peter left?" She asks and everyone just shrugs. "Okay... Christina! Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless!" She cheers and does a mini fist pump.

"I dare you to start a flash mob in the pit."

"Too easy." She says and grabs some speakers from the shelf. "Be prepared to observe my amazing dance moves." Everyone gets up and follows her through to the pit where she sets up the music on the stage.

"What song?" Will asks her whilst shuffling through his phone.

"Living Louder by The Cab." She says and takes centre stage. The music turns on and she gets everyone's attention. "Everyone shut up! I need to start a flash mob so you Pansycakes better join in with me!" She shouts and the crowd cheers.

"If today's the day I die! Lay me down under the lights!" She starts to sing along with the song and to be honest she isn't that bad. When the chorus comes up a bunch of Dauntless climb up on the stage and start to dance and sing along with her.

It's these moments that I remember why I chose Dauntless. These people are so free.
Tobias, I and the rest of the gang have all joined Chrissy in the centre stage and everyone is shouting along to the final chorus not bothering to even make it sound decent, just loud. "I'm living louder, and dreaming longer tonight. And baby I'm fighting harder, and loving stronger tonight. 'Cause we're all just kids that grow up way too fast. Yeah the good die young but the great will always last. We're growing older but we're all soldiers tonight!" Every single person chants along as the song finishes and when it's over, the entire compound goes silent. But obviously the silence is quickly broken by the roar of 100 crazy Dauntless.

"Told you it was easy to start a flash mob." Christina smirks as we all walk back to Zeke's.

"How come I never knew you could sing like that?" Will asks, slinging an arm around her shoulder.

"Because all you listen to is goofy classical music that I can't sing along to because there are no words." She says whilst nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck.

"Oh, so Will likes opera music..." Uriah smirks. "I can sing opera!" His final statement is followed by the sounds that could only be described as a dying cat that swallowed too much helium.

We all clasp our hand over our ears as Uriah continues his screeching in the middle of the corridor. "Are you trying to deafen us?" Zeke bellows and gags his idiot of a brother with a sock, from where the sock came from I am unsure.


Who's seen Insurgent yet? For those of you that have seen it what were your opinions?

Stop reading now and skip to the next chapter if you haven't seen it yet!

I warned you...

Anyway, I thought that the film itself was great but the only problem was it seemed slightly rushed. But when you compare it to the book I thought it was a slight let down... The reasons are as followed: 1. The 'Box' was not in the book but was the main theme of the film. 2. Uriah was not in it long enough 3. The only mention that Marlene got was when Shauna corrected Evelyn when she insisted on refering to her as 'the suicide' 4. There was no Zeke or Lynn! 5. They completely ignored the fact that Tris was affraid of guns 6. They cut out the Peace Serum scene! Like what?! First they got rid of the muffin scene in the first film and now no peace serum? Those are the best moments! Appart from that I loved it!

Please tell me what you thought if you have seen it already.

As always, I don't own Divergent.

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