Chapter 19

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Tobias' POV

"Tris!?" I shout as she starts to crumple to the floor.

Arms fly in all directions trying to break her fall but in the end I am crouched down supporting her lifeless body by her shoulders. I try to lie her down in a more comfortable position but I can't since her legs are folded beneath her. "Here, let me help." Eric says kneeling down behind her. He gently takes her head from it's awkward position and rests in down on his knees. With Tris lying on her back I can now untangle her legs so she is at least comfortable.

I look up and see everyone has stepped back slightly, forming a circle around Tris, Eric and I. Eric carefully brushes the mess of hair out of her face so I can see her true beauty.  Tris' face does not carry that peaceful glow like she normally does when asleep, no, this time she looks empty and hollow.

Zeke is hurriedly mumbling something before running out and returning a few seconds later with a man I recognise from the infirmary.

The man isn't wearing his usual uniform but he walks over to us and carefully slides his hands round to the base of Tris' skull, not once moving her off Eric. "The young girl will be perfectly fine. She did not hit her head so no physical damage was caused by the fall but be prepared for her memory to be blotchy." He says standing back up to leave. "Make sure you don't move her until she wakes up." He smiles and strides out the tattoo parlour.

Thank my lucky stars she is fine.

I let out a small sigh of relief and take her hands in mine. Everyone around the three of us start to talk quietly but I don't bother to listen. All that matters now is Tris.

We sit on the floor of the tattoo parlour for what seems like ages before Tris starts to move slightly signaling her return to reality.

Tris' POV

I feel as if I have been falling for ages as the wind folds it's way around my numb limbs. Suddenly a bright light shines through the dark. It engulfs everything in light and as it slowly fades I can make out where I am.

I am on the floor of a tattoo parlour surrounded by a bunch of people about my age. I scan their faces quickly trying to figure out who the hell they are but only one face seems familiar.

I search my brain to fit a name to this one familiar face amongst all these strangers. Who is he?

A boy a few years older than myself with piercing blue eyes and a hooked nose leans in close to my face and gently stroking my jaw. The boy stars to kiss me and mumble words against my mouth but I push against his chest and he pulls back with a look of shock. "Who the hell are you and why did you do that?"The boy's face drops and he edges away from me slightly. "And who the hell are you lot?" I stand and gesture to the small crowd standing in a circle around me.

"Tris?" The familiar face says. At the sound of his voice I finally find a name.

"Eric? Where am I? Who are these people? And most of all, who is he?" I end throwing my hand in the direction of the blue eyed boy that kissed me moments earlier. He looks hurt and angry at the same time.

"Of all people it had to be you!" The boy shouts whilst standing up from his crouching position. "If she was gonna remember anyone it had to be you." His voice drips with sarcasm as he punches Eric in the face.

"You think I wanted this?" Eric all but roars.

"You sure as hell aren't trying to fix it!" The boy shouts again, thankfully this time he doesn't punch anyone.

"It hasn't even been a minute since she woke up dumb ass." Eric replies but calmer this time as he walks over and leans against the wall.

"Would you rather she remembered me?" Some idiot with the stupidest tattoo ever says from the corner.

"Not helpful Peter!" Everyone but I screams at the boy. 'Peter' So that's another name I now know.

I take a few seconds to breath and regain composure before trying to talk. "Why wouldn't I remember Eric? He is my boyfriend." I am unsure of the last word but I remember a rather heated make out session between him and I so I just make the assumption. "You however..." I gesture to the circle of strangers. "I have never met any of you in my life."

Mr Blue Eyes' face turns red and his fists clench in to tight balls. "Four before you say anything, she is really confused at the moment and I'll explain it all to her." Eric blurts out carefully walking over to the person he calls 'Four', that is such a stupid name I think to myself. "Remember the doctor said we just need to wait for her to remember, it will be an hour maximum." He explains a lot calmer this time as everyone files out the room leaving just Eric and I still in the tattoo parlour.

He walks over and takes my hands leading me over to the metal chair. I perch besides him as he rubs small circles in to the palms of my hands with his thumbs. "I really need to clarify something for you." He says still carving soft circles in my hands. "I love you, and you know that but you are dating Four."

"The guy who kissed me?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Yeah." He sighs and pulls me in to a warm hum. I Burry my face in his shoulder and breath in the comforting scent as he continues to talk. "Four is a million times better for you compared to me and that boy would do anything for you Tris. I just want you to be happy so please remember him." He begs, holding me tighter.

I close my eyes and focus my thoughts. Slowly, flashes of memories of my time so far at Dauntless fly through my mind.

I remember everyone.

But not everything.

I can't remember all the supposedly 'happy moments' that I spent with Tobias. Eric tells me stories from when we went zip lining and Tobias and I went down together, and how I am the only person who he trusts enough to know every single thing about his past but nothing stops the horible memories of when we fight overpowering my heart.

"I remember..." I start and Eric nods, telling me to continue. "I remember all the crap he put me through."

Hello, slightly shorter chapter but some of you are quite impatient... *cough* tobiaseatoncake and trisprior20019226 *cough*

As always, thankyou for reading and I don't own Devirgent or any of it's character or setting.

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